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When Yoongi pulled back Jimin, Jungkook and Tae all three stood there with theirs mouths in the shape of an 'O'.

"Jimin I'm sorry, I love you, I love you so much and I didn't know you had feelings for me too, the only reason I got with Jennie was to get over you, I don't even like her, I wanted you, it was always you but I thought you didn't feel the same but I now I know you do feel the same and I know about you being a little and I'm willing to take care of you if your okay with that, I just hope you can forgive me" Yoongi explained while the two littles and Tae still had the mouths in the shape of an 'O', suprised at what Yoongi said.

Jimin stood there for a second until he smiled and then wrapped his arms around Yoongis neck and kissed him, Yoongi put his hands on Jimins waist as he pulled Jimin out of Jungkook and Tae's room into their own without breaking the kiss.

After about a minute they both pulled back for air, Jimin leaned his forehead against Yoongis and said "I love you Min Yoongi", "I love you too Park Jimin" Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin again and smiled into the kiss.

After about another minute they pulled back again for air, "Let's get some sleep" Yoongi said and Jimin agreed, they got ready for bed and layed down, Yoongi pulled Jimin close and Jimin layed his head on Yoongis chest.

"I love you" Yoongi said, "I love you too" Jimin said as he snuggled his head into Yoongis chest more, Yoongi pecked Jimins head and then closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Yoongi woke up before Jimin, he looked over at Jimin and adored him, he couldn't believe he finally had him.  Yoongi then remembered Jennie, he quickly grabbed his phone and texted her.

I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to end things with you, I was only with you in the first place because I was trying to get over someone else and that was wrong, but I hope we could still be friends, your a really nice person and I would love to know you better.  I hope you understand, and again I'm sorry.

It's okay, I understand.  And I would also love to get to know you more, I'm not upset even a little, I hope you end up with someone special and I hope you guys are happy.

Thank you.

After Yoongi got done texting Jennie he looked back over at Jimin and softly kissed his lips to wake him up, Jimin opened his eyes to look at Yoongi.

"Hey baby boy" Yoongi said softly, "Hey" Jimin replied with, "Are you in little space right now?" Yoongi asked, Jimin shook his head no.  He then grabbed Yoongi and pulled him down and locked lips with him again.

The two kissed for about a minute until they both pulled back for air, just then their bedroom door opened and Namjoon poked his head in, Jimin and Yoongi both looked at him, "We're going camping for the weekend, but we're leaving you love birds behind" he said and then shut the door.

Jimin and Yoongi both laughed, "Well at least it will only be us" Jimin said, "I'm not fucking you this weekend so get that idea out of your head" Yoongi said and then laughed, Jimin laughed with him and then pulled him in to kiss him again, "I love you" Jimin breathed out after pulling back, "I love you too" Yoongi replied with

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