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Since Yoongi knew now what Jungkook and Jimin did he was going to go deal with them, he walked out of his room to go and find them.

Meanwhile Jungkook and Jimin were sitting in the spare room playing with Jimins toys, "My banana milk gone" Jungkook said, "Well, I wan some so let's go get some more" Jimin said as he stood up.

Jungkook and Jimin walked out of the spare room and started looking around to make sure no one was around, they then made their way to the kitchen.

Jimin opened the fride and grabbed the banana milk, Jungkook grabbed one of the sippy cups hidden in the cabinet for Jimin, "Mine first!" Jungkook said as he handed Jimin his sippy cup, "No mine!" Jimin said.

Just then Jin walked in, Jungkook and Jimin hid their sippy cups behind their backs, "What are you guys arguing about?" Jin asked, they were both qiuet for a second until Jungkook spoke up, "Jiminie won't give me my banana milk first!" he said.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Jimin give Jungkook his banana milk first and then you can make you a cup" Jin said, "Fine." Jimin said.  After Jin left Jimin carefully filled Jungkooks sippy cup, he then started to fill up his when he accidentally knocked the sippy cup over and all the banana milk fell out.

Meanwhile Yoongi was heading to the kitchen still looking for the two littles, he then heard a crash come from the kitchen, he ran in there wondering what was going on.

When he walked in he saw banana milk all over the floor and a Jungkook and Jimin standing there, he started to say something until he saw the sippy cup on the floor.  "Why the hell is there a sippy cup on the floor?" he asked confused.

He could see the fear in their faces, he sighed and went to pick up the sippy cup, he proceeded to the fridge to get the other jug of banana milk, the two littles just stood there looking at him with still scared facea but also a little confused.

Yoongi washed the sippy cup real quick and then filled it with banana milk, he then handed it out to the two littles, "I don't know what you all were gonna do with it but here" Yoongi said, Jimin gently took the cup from him, "Thank you" he mumbled almost inaudible but Yoongi heard him.  The two littles then ran out of the kitchen embarrassed.

Yoongi just stood there for a second trying to figure out what just happened and why they had a sippy cup, he then remembered his brother who is a little would act this way, "They aren't littles are they?  No they can't be" he said to himself.

He then looked down and remembered the banana milk on the floor, he then proceeded to grab a mop to clean it up.

Soulmate  •Yoomin•حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن