Chapter 7: Slowly Moving Forward

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It was early and Tess had made herself in her big special cup of her sweet tea and made coffee for Xavier. Coming around to put his hands wrapped around her waist, surprising her for a second. "You left me all alone on that bed." He growled a little. "I just wanted to make you coffee and you and the guys some sandwiches, chips, fruit, and a little tray of brownies." She said holding up a big plastic bag filled with throw away Tupperware. "You're forgiven, except the part where I have to share he smirked, leaning down to kiss her deeply. The front door opened, as they heard voices coming into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Jayden said waving his hand in their air with his childish smile, knowing they were interrupting Xavier's time this morning. "God it smells so good in here. Good morning Tessa." Enzo said coming to kiss the side of her cheek and take some coffee in a travel cup he brought in with him. Ryder copying his movements. Xavier glaring at them. "Don't y'all have a kitchen?" He asked in irritated tone. "We do, but our stuff taste like crap compared to Tessa's." Jayden said looking happily in the lunch bag. "Aria and the girls left early to get to the office to try and I quote 'get ready for Tre' arrival.' They really happy he's coming on board with them even if it's just for a little while. They wish you were too though." Ryder said with a smile sad smile.

"It's ok. It kind of sucks to be left out, but on the plus side I am still with most of our patients, and two friends. It won't last to long and Corban will back before I know it. I hope." She mumbled the last part but the guys still heard it and felt bad for her. Xavier did not want her to go but not much he could do. "Did you ever think of changing career's. I swear woman you could own a bakery. Let's just go get you a deposit on a bakery and you can be your own boss." Enzo said munching down on one of her raspberry cheesecake cookies. "There's an idea baby, what do you say. You would make bank whole town loves your food. Hell you sell out, every bake sell y'all hold in the community street faire." Xavier said proudfully.

"Oh yeah like, anyone would be willing to give me a bakery shop. I doubt very seriously I could get far. Hell it would probably close down before Christmas." She said laughing hard. Looking around to realize they were being serious. "We serious Tess." Jayden said which was a true shock in itself. "Look we know how much you love your job, and we know how good you are at it. Have you ever wanted to do something different?" Ryder asked. "Well yeah. Everyone always wonders what else they could do or is out there. I just needed to be realistic though I need a job that pays bills you know." She said. "But you got a business degree too though babe. Maybe it's a little more than a pipe dream, I mean do you think it's possible you made your career off your back up plan instead? I think you could go really far with this. Have you ever tried before?" Xavier asked arms still wrapped around her waist.

"I've thought about it sure, but I always got nervous that I wouldn't be able to keep it open you know not enough people for the demand and too much supply if you get my drift. Not to mention I love baking, so if I do it for a living will that kill it for me?" Tess asked the guys. "Well how about the saying if you're doing what you truly love you'll never work a day in your life." Enzo asked her back. "Is that how you guys feel? I mean you all been fixing things and putting things together since you were young, it's your outlet. So do you feel like you've never worked a day in your life? Do you still have the love and drive for your career?" Tessa asked them looking at their face.

The guys looked around and just nodded. "I love the shop and what I do." Xavier said honestly. "There are days where the customers are little much but I honestly love what I do." Ryder said. "I like when we people come in with problems that take me a little longer to find because it's a new challenge for me." Jayden said with a shrug. "Doing what we do helps keep me calm. I learn something new everyday. Whatever I don't know I learn it and figure it out. We work at a job where it's never boring. Always keeps us guessing. Never have the same day twice. So yeah I can honestly say I love what I do. It's also safe to say we're going to be doing this until our limbs fall off." Enzo said with a chuckle. "Well thank you guess for the lively conversation, but work awaits. Enjoy the lunch. Have a great day at work. I will make sure to pick up some boxes if you haven't changed your mind yet?" She asked him looking in his eyes.

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