Chapter 20- Calm Before The Storm

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*June 1995*

*June 1995*

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Liz's POV:

I did it. I finally graduated. I'm free from high school and all the drama that goes with it. Sure, I have had some pretty good times there with the boys, but I still get to see them and now I don't have to stress myself out over deadlines and all the usual school crap. 

Me and Luke are currently alone in the apartment writing together. He moved into the spare bedroom a couple of weeks ago. Reggie wasn't using it as he always stays in my room and I felt guilty he was still sleeping in the studio when we had a room going unused that he could move into. It was awkward between him and Alex at first obviously, but soon enough they got used to being around each other so frequently. The boys have left me and Luke alone for a few hours because they kept interrupting us which mayor may not have led to me snapping at them. I'm not sorry though, they were a distraction and me and Luke really need to work on these songs so they have new material to showcase at their Orpheum performance. This show can either make or break the band so everything has to be absolutely perfect. We're working on our song 'Bright' at the moment. We had initially thought about putting the song on their new demo, but ultimately decided against it. It didn't fit the vibe that we were going with for the rest of the songs that are on it. Luke is sat with his acoustic guitar as I write down our ideas. His handwriting is extremely messy, I can barely read it sometimes.

There is so much riding on the concert going well. Not only could the boys potentially get signed, Luke has decided to go back to his parents if it all goes as it should. He wants to show them that his dream is worth chasing, and for that to happen, we need a killer setlist. 

Luke looks up from his guitar before turning to a different page in his songbook. I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion before grabbing the book and skimming through the lyrics on the page.

"It's a song I've been working on the past couple of days" he tells me. "It's not for the show, but I think it could be something. I haven't finished it though" he mumbles

"That's okay. Let's hear what you've got" I say reassuringly.

Luke finishes the song and looks down as a small blush appears on cheeks, a single tear falling down his face which he quickly wipes away. I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly which makes him look back up at me, I give him a small smile.

"It's about Alex isn't it?" I ask him softly. He only nods in response. "Maybe you should talk to him Luke, don't you think both of you have suffered enough?" I ask him

"You're right Liz" he sighs. "I'll talk to him about it after we play the Orpheum and I've made up with my mom and dad" he says surely. I nod, understanding where he is coming from. Playing at the Orpheum has to be their main priority right now. They can't risk messing it up for anything otherwise it was all for nothing. All the hard work they've put in all these years will have been worthless. This is their chance and nothing is going to stand in the way of that, not even love. I don't think either of them would ever be able to forgive themselves if they were the cause of the band going nowhere.

We separate just as the others make their way through the door, hands full of takeout bags and coffee. Luke is quick to flip to another page in his book before Alex gets a chance to see the song.

We all make our way over to the dining table so we can eat the food the boys brought for us. I'm obviously sat between Reggie and Alex whilst Luke and Bobby sit across from us. Reg has his arm on the back of my chair as we all eat.

"So you two, how'd song-writing go after we'd all left?" Bobby asks us curiously. Luke looks at me in panic with pleading eyes, practically begging me help him out.

"Oh, it um, it went pretty well. We finished 'Bright' and a few others before just throwing ideas at each other. Nothing really came of it though" I tell them somewhat confidently. I know they were sceptical, but didn't question it as we continued eating. Luke sends me a thankful look once the others' attention was back on their food.

*Time skip*

A few hours later and Bobby had gone home for the night. Me and the guys were all sat in the lounge just talking about random stuff, enjoying the company. I'm currently nuzzled into Reggie's side and he has an arm around me whilst Luke and Alex sit on the chairs at either side of us.

This is usually what ends up happening nowadays. The four of us on a night just spending time together and talking about the most random shit. I mean, we have Reggie here so what do you expect?

I think that I could get used to life being like this. 

Looks like fate had other plans for us though.

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