Chapter 6- The Feeling's Mutual

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Luke's POV:

We've just finished playing Alex's song. I was beautiful. Whoever it's about is a very lucky guy. I kinda wish it was about me but I know deep down that it's not the case.

As I look over, I notice Alex is already staring at me as though he's looking for something. Weird. I don't look away though. I physically can't. It's like my body won't let me. Reggie tripping over the wire plugged into his bass is what eventually makes me turn my attention away from the boy I'm crazy for. We all start laughing at Reggie's clumsiness as Liz makes her way over to us shaking her head at Reg with a small smile on her face. She is definitely smitten.

"That was great guys. Gorgeous song baby brother, wouldn't you agree Luke?" she asks me

I clear my throat before answering giving me time to try and not make a fool of my self. "Um, yeah totally. Great song man. Maybe we can add to the setlist for our next gig" I manage to get out pretty confidently.

"Oh uh thanks Luke. I'm um really glad you liked it" Alex says to me with a small smile causing my heart to start pounding. What did he mean by that? He's glad I liked it. Wait. Does this mean the song is about me? I should really talk to him about all of this soon. Maybe later tonight? I'm snapped from my thoughts by Bobby speaking.

"Yeah dude, it'll be great for the school dance next week" Bobby tells him. Oh shit yeah, we hadn't told Alex yet.

"Oh man, we're playing a dance? seriously?" Alex asks, clearly not happy with our gig.

"Hey, c'mon baby bro, loads of people at school love the band and you get some good practice in for the bigger, better gigs. It's a good thing" Liz tells him.

"Yeah I guess you're right" Alex sighs. We all do a little cheer, giving each other a fist bump and start to pack up. If anyone can convince Alex to do anything it's Liz. She really knows how to handle the four of us. We would really be lost without her. I would never admit it though obviously.

"Good. Now we just need dates" Liz says jokingly. I see Reggie blushing and I can't help but smirk. He totally has a thing for her. If only he realised that she felt the same. Not like me and Alex. He'll never like me back. I wish he could be my date for school dance. Maybe we can go as friends? There's nothing wrong with that. Right? I am really overthinking this, I should just ask him. Yeah. I'll ask him. As I look around, I see Bobby is already gone. Probably headed back inside for the night. 

Liz and Reggie are talking about what seems to be something sad because she's rubbing his arm and giving him a very sympathetic look. Guessing it's about his parents. He's really got it rough. I know my parents can be dicks about me wanting to pursue music, but it's nothing compared to what Reg has to deal with. Alex seems to be in his own world like me. Maybe this is a good chance to talk to him.

"Hey Alex, uh, can I talk to you alone real quick?" I asks him whilst looking at my shoes, avoiding his eyes. I know Liz and Reggie have probably started to listen in too. 

"Yeah of course, wanna go outside?" I just nod, still not meeting his eyes. Liz gives Alex her car keys so we can talk in there.

"Me and Reg will stay in here for a bit. Text me when you're done" Liz tells us, sending me a wink. Does she know I like Alex? Am I really that obvious?

Me and Alex head to the car and go to sit in the back seats.

"So what's up Luke?" Alex asks me with a comforting smile gracing his lips. It honestly calms my nerves a little bit.

"Um, I was just wondering if, maybe, you uh, wanted to be my date to the school dance? I mean we can just go as friends you know, it's not a big de-" I'm cut off by Alex kissing me. I'm shocked at first but it doesn't take me long to start kissing him back. One of my hands moves to the back of his neck deepening the kiss. Alex grabs hold of my cheeks as my other hand moves to thread through his hair. I don't know how long we were like that for, but eventually we pull apart to catch our breath. Both of us grinning like idiots until Alex's face drops and he looks like he's starting to panic.

"I'm sorry Luke. I don't know what I was thinking" Alex says nervously look at his lap. I grab his hand causing him to look back up at me, worry evident in his tear filled eyes.

"Don't be sorry Alex. You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that". He looks at me completely shocked.


"Yeah". We both chuckle. "I really like you Alex" I finally confess.

"I like you too Luke" Alex tells me happily. It's my turn to look shocked. "You do?"

"Of course I do! How could I not? Luke, I've liked you for 3 years!" Wow. I had no clue that he's had a crush on me for that long. I must be really oblivious. I suddenly remember what I was asking him before we got 'distracted'.

"So.... about the school dance?" I question with a cocky smirk causing Alex to blush like crazy. It's really cute.

"I'd love to be your date Luke" he replies giddily.

"Great! I do have one condition though" I say, causing Alex to furrow his eyebrows in confusion

"Oh? And what is this condition?" he asks cautiously.

"That I get to go with my boyfriend".

Meant to be? (Reggie x OC) (Lalex)Where stories live. Discover now