Chapter 12- Shitty Parents Pt.1 (Fucked Up Beliefs)

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*Time skip to 1st January 1995*

Alex's POV:

Yesterday was my birthday and it was tedious to say the least. The four of us barely spoke a word to each other. My parents gave me $50 as though money is going to solve all of our family problems. My mom wouldn't stop pleading for me to find a girlfriend and my dad even told me that I should quit the band. It feels like they don't even care about me unless I'm living my life how they want me to.

I go over Liz's room to see her writing in the songbook we got her. I knock on her door lightly causing her to jump a little before turning to look at me.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" she ask me with a curious smile on her lips.

"Um I think I'm gonna tell them" I tell her shakily. Her face drops instantly.

"Are you sure?" she asks me nervously. Honestly, I'm nervous too. Actually that's an understatement, I'm terrified. God knows how they're going to react. But I can't hold it in any longer. I want to live my life without this hanging over me.

"I mean, I have to eventually, so I may as well get it over with" I say with a sigh. Liz nods understandingly before walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. It comforts me a little bit but I'm still really nervous.

"I'm proud of you for doing this no matter what happens" Liz mumbles into my neck. "Do you want me to be there with you?" she asks. I nod in response, trying to calm my nerves.

We pull apart and Liz grabs hold of my hand as we make our way downstairs and into the dining room where our parents were.

"Hey, mom, dad. Um, do you think I um could talk to you real quick?" I manage out, Liz giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. They look up from what they were doing and nod at us.

"Of course honey. What is it you want to talk about?" my mom asks with a kind smile. Me and Liz sit across from them as I mentally prepare myself for this conversation. I take one last deep breath before finally telling my parents the truth.

"Okay, I'm just going say it. I'm gay" I blurt out and watch as their faces fall. "I've known for a while now but I've been too scared to say anything. I know you really wanted me to get a girlfriend and I'm really sorry to disappoint you, but I just can't lie anymore" I finish, starting to cry and I look down, not wanting to meet my parents eyes. Liz starts to rub my my back comfortingly as I continue to sob. I finally look up at my parents noticing the disgust on their faces. Great.

Dad sighs before finally speaking. "Okay. We're not going to kick you out. But from this day forward, as far as I'm concerned I no longer have a son. I am very disappointed in you Alexander, I thought that we had raised you to be better than this" He says flatly making me completely break down. I stand up and immediately run upstairs to my bedroom, still crying my eyes out.

I fucked up.

Liz's POV:

I watch after Alex with a pained expression on my face. I hate when he's upset. I turn back to my parents, giving them the dirtiest glare I can muster.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I ask them angrily

"Watch your mouth young lady" dad scolds.

"No! I won't! How could you? You're honestly going to disown him because of your fucked up beliefs?" I ask them, growing more frustrated by the second.

"Being gay is sinful Elizabeth. It is morally wrong. He should've thought about that before deciding to choose this path of nothing but heartbreak and misery for himself" my mother says, finally speaking up. I jump out my seat to stand in pure anger before letting my parents have it.

"There is nothing wrong being gay! At all! People like you act as though being gay is a fucking crime when that is far from the truth. And he hasn't chosen a 'path of misery' as you put it. He's chosen to be honest with himself and live a life that will have love in it and that's beautiful. It's all any of us could wish for. Yes there may be heartbreak, but that's the same with any kind of relationship. If he was to be with a woman, he would be miserable. There would be no love whatsoever and that's no way to live at all. He didn't choose to be gay, he's been this way since birth, just like you being straight. I could not be more proud of my brother. At least he knows who he is and is happy with it, even when other people don't accept him. He's the bravest person I know and if you two can't see that then you don't deserve to have him be part of your shitty lives anyway" I rant. I march upstairs to Alex's room, still furious at my parents. I can not fucking believe them. They seriously pissed me off just now. 

When I get to his room, I see Alex laid on his bed, curled up in a ball with tears streaming down his face. It's heart-breaking. I go over and start trying to pull him but it's kinda hard given he's a lot taller than me.

"Come on Alex, we're getting out of here. I don't know about you, but I'm not wanting spend the night here with those assholes" I say and he just looks at me with tear-filled eyes before getting up. We make our way to my car and I drive us to the studio. I send Bobby a text letting him know we're here but he doesn't reply. Guess he's asleep. I'm sure he won't mind us crashing here for the night.

As we walk into the garage, I notice that Luke is already there writing in his songbook with sniffles escaping him every few seconds and tears running down his face, his eyes red from crying. Guess he's not had the best night either.

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