Chapter 11- Perfect Day

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Liz's POV:

It's my birthday today! I wake up in the studio and notice that I'm on the floor with my head on someone's chest. Their arm is wrapped around my waist from the back. As I look up, I see Reggie already gazing me with happy grin.

"Happy birthday babe" Reggie says softly so he doesn't wake the others up yet. 

I smile up at him before connecting our lips in a soft, sweet kiss. 

"Shall we go outside so we can talk without disturbing everyone?" he suggests. I nod my head and we make our way outside giving me flashbacks of last night. I smile to myself as I lean against the wall in front of the steps. Reggie comes to stand right in front of me with a giddy smile. Is he trying to kill me with cuteness? Because honestly, he could succeed very easily.

"I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes!" he tells me. I do as he says and I hear him starting to walk back into the studio. Weird. Seconds later, I hear him coming back over to me. I expect him to come straight over to me, but instead he walks up the steps until he's directly behind me and I can feel his breath on my neck giving me goosebumps. I feel him wrap something around my neck, his touch causing sparks to radiate through my body. I open my eyes and look down to see a beautiful treble clef with my favourite flower as the stem.

 I open my eyes and look down to see a beautiful treble clef with my favourite flower as the stem

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I turn to Reggie and look at him in awe. He makes his way down to me and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, gazing into his beautiful eyes. He instinctively places his hands on the bottom of my back, pulling me closer so there's no space left between us.

"It's perfect Reggie. Thank you" I say sending him a grateful smile before giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm really glad you like it. Music is what brought us together so I wanted to get you something to represent that. Now you'll always have a constant reminder of us even when you go away to college or me and guys are on tour" he tells me shyly.

"That is so sweet. I never pegged you to be such a romantic Reg" I tease

"Only for you Liz" he says sincerely, making me blush at his comment and butterflies to swarm my stomach. I'm about to respond, but the sound of the garage doors opening cause us to pull apart and turn towards where it came from. When I do, I see my brother walking towards us looking half asleep.

"Morning guys. What you doin' out here?" he asks us groggily.

"Well first, it's 1 meaning it's afternoon, and we didn't want to wake you guys so we came out here to spend some time together. Then my adorable boyfriend here decided to give me my birthday present" I tell him with a smile whilst Reggie blushes over me calling him adorable, proving my point.

"Fair enough. Well we're all up now, so come back inside and we'll give you your birthday present from all of us" Alex says making me confused.

"What do you mean? I thought you gave me them last night?" I ask.

Meant to be? (Reggie x OC) (Lalex)Where stories live. Discover now