Chapter 1- Baby Bro

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Liz's POV:

I was sat on my bed studying when my brother Alex walks into my room.

" Lizzieeeeee, you know how you're my favourite sister?"

"Lex, I'm your only sister, what do you want?"

"For you to drive me to band practice. Pretty please?" He starts batting his eyelashes at me and giving me his classic pout. He knows I can't resist that face. Ugh dammit!

"Fine. But we're getting pizza after and you're paying"

"Deal" he says. "Anyway, it means you get to see the guys. Including Reggie" he tells me with a cocky wink.

Reggie Peters. Bassist for my brothers band Sunset Curve (tell your friends! as Reg would say). I've had a crush on him since the day the boys met. He was chasing a random puppy wanting to pet it and I just found it so adorable. Since then, Reggie and the boys have all become my best friends too. They're more like family at this point and yet I still can't get rid of my feelings. Nothing will ever come of it though. The guys just see me as Alex's big sister. Plus, he flirts with any girl who looks at him and let me tell you, they're not complaining. Who can blame them? He's hot! I have no chance with him.

I must've been in my head for a while as I'm broken out of my daze by Alex coughing then proceeding to cross his arm and smirk at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing. Except for the fact you have a giant crush on Reggie and won't do anything about it" Alex says to me, finding the whole thing hilarious. 

"Look, he doesn't feel the same way. I just need to try and move on".

Of course I told Alex about my crush. Me and Alex have always been super close given there's only a year between us. We tell each other everything pretty much. We're really all we've got. Our Parents aren't the greatest people. They always judge Alex for being part of the band and not having found a girlfriend yet. He's only 16, there's plenty of time to worry about that kind of thing later on in life. And the band makes him really happy and he deserves to be happy. Him and the boys are more focused on the band and becoming successful musicians than relationships. It's their dream and they're willing to put in the work to make it happen. I envy them. I would never tell anyone this, but I've always wanted to be singer. I've loved to sing since I can remember. I'm way too scared to do anything about it. The only person in my life who's heard me sing is Alex. I try to only sing when everyone is out of the house but Alex came home early from band practice and caught me singing and playing the piano. I was so embarrassed but he promised not to tell anyone and we left it at that. I wish I could overcome this fear and be able to perform my heart out on stage like the boys but I can't. My parents would never allow it anyway. They want me to follow in their footsteps and become a lawyer not caring what I'm actually passionate about. But according to them, "at least one of our children should grow up to not become a failure". I just wish they would support us rather than bring us down all the time.

"Lizzie, I know I should be against it since he's one of my best friends and you're my sister, but you two would be great together. I know you may not think it, but he definitely has feelings for you, I'm sure of it. BUT, can we go please? I really don't want to be late. You know how Luke gets" Alex says with a soft chuckle.

"Okay, Let me just get my stuff and we'll head out" I tell him.

*Time Jump to arriving at the garage*

As I pull up in front of Bobby's, I can tell Alex is nervous for some reason. He's bobbing his legs and drumming his fingers on the sides of the seat. Something is seriously wrong.

"Lex? You okay baby bro?" I ask him with concern in voice.

"Um. Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Totally fine". He says in his high-pitched voice. Okay, something is definitely wrong.

"Alex, I'm your sister. I know when something is wrong. Please tell me. I'm worried".

"Fine. I'm just nervous about going in there I guess"

"Oh. Okay. Is it about your next gig? Because I know that you'll kill it. You always do. You're amazing Lex you've nothing to worry ab-" I ramble but he cuts me off.

"No it's not that. I have something to tell you. Just please don't freak out, please. And promise you won't hate me. I don't think I could cope if you ever hated me". he rambles really quickly. Whatever is wrong is clearly stressing him out. It's starting to make me nervous.

"Whoa Alex, breathe. Okay? we're going to sit here and you're going to tell me what's bothering you. But I promise that I could never hate you. You're my brother and I love you. That will never change. It's us against the world. Now, talk to me" I finish.

Alex takes a few deep breaths before starting. "Okay, so lately I've developed feelings for someone and-"

"Ooh you finally have a crush on someone? Are they nice? is she hot? do I know her?-"

"Hey! I thought it was my turn to talk. can I continue?" I nod so he starts talking again. "Okay as I was saying, I have a crush on someone and yes you do know them. Pretty well in fact but it lead to me questioning some things. But I eventually came to a conclusion". He takes a really deep breath.

"Lizzie, I'm gay".

Meant to be? (Reggie x OC) (Lalex)Where stories live. Discover now