"Are you gonna rely on this paper always Jungkook? You should at least know what was her favorite flower without reading it

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"Are you gonna rely on this paper always Jungkook? You should at least know what was her favorite flower without reading it. You liked her without knowing anything about her? ", Jimin hyung spoke suddenly.

I looked at him with wide eyes. What happened so suddenly. Why is he acting like that?

"Hyung why are you speaking like this? I know I didn't have that much time before to know what she likes or what are her favorites. We were so busy with our schedules. How would I have known?", I suddenly felt offended the way he asked me that.

"But the list in your hands says something else Jungkook. Namjoon hyung had the same schedule as us, he had much more responsibility than us being the leader,but he still got to know so many things about her in the same span. You didn't make an effort to know her much."

"Jimin stop, you are hurting him. It's his first time. Give him some time to cope up.", Tae hyung whispered but k could hear it clearly.

I felt my emotions playing it's game when hyung compared me and Namjoon hyung. I tried, I tried to talk to her but he always kept her busy so that I can't have my chance with her which I knew wasn't true, but my mind played their own games. I felt insecure all of a sudden when I heard Jimin hyung saying all that. It was true.

"I knew it hyung, I knew it. Since the time you have entered this room and got to know that I am going to propose her, you are against it. I don't know why but it freaking hurts hyung. You guys are the only ones that I thought would support me in anything I wanted but you are backing off now. How could you do it to me hyung.", I sobbed in front of them. Tae hyung and Jimin hyung were the only one I could trust right now. It felt like everyone would be against me and for Namjoon hyung after knowing everything except these two. But now it felt like Jimin hyung also didn't want me to feel happiness.

"Oh my God Jungkook no. How could you ever think that I would not be happy for you. You are my baby. I would be the happiest person to see both of you in a relationship Jungkook. But don't you think of me as your elder brother? Don't you think you should listen to whatever I am saying properly and take the advises. I was just advising you for the future. You can't always carry this paper around to know what she likes, you got to know it of your own Jungkook. That's all I wanted to say to you.", Jimin hyung sat beside me and held my hand and explained everything.

"I was okay till now but now I am scared hyungs. What if she rejects me? I don't think I can take rejection hyung."

"Again you are talking about that rubbish, why would she rejects you? She doesn't have anyone in her life and you are the best person for her. So don't worry okay.", Tae hyung stood by my other side and explained me.

All of a sudden, I felt butterflies in my stomach.Taday is the day I am going to propose her.

Time passed by way too soon. We all gathered in the dining room to have our dinner. Hoseok hyung said that Namjoon hyung was still sleeping and he would take the food to make hyung eat.

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