Boss of K&K

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"There are just two words in my dictionary. Champion and Losers. And you all need to be champion." I look at my whole team. Everyone is upset and my problem is they are not upset because of their failure they are upset because of my anger.

"I don't understand Demo why are you behaving like a LOSER?? You dragged down the whole team. Do you understand?"

Demo looked at me with eyes full of tears.

"Boss I tried hard but I don't know what happened in the match."

I looked at him angrily "I know what's the problem with you all. You all depend on Wu Bai. Do you think only he can make you winner?"

At last Wu Bai looked at me. "Big bro, I'm the captain but it doesn't mean it's my fault." I don't know what happened to me at that moment but I looked at him "Wu Bai,you are my cousin it doesn't mean you can do anything here."

"Sorry. But right now I'm going back to my room. I can't bear this all drama." Wu Bai left the place.

"Grunt,97,Demo,One I don't know what will you do but in the next match I don't want to hear all this nonsense. Give me your phones. You are not getting it until you win." I just turned back and Grunt stopped me.

"Boss please don't take my phone. I played good today. My girlfriend will break up with me. And I also need to post pictures of mine in social media. So many girl's heart will break if they can't see me."

I directly looked at his eyes. "What did you say? REPEAT NOW!!"

Grunt looked at me nervously. "No boss,I don't need my phone. You can keep it as long as you want."

"Go back to your room and take rest. NOW!!"

I came back to my room. I don't know why I was so angry but I can't think anything but winning. My one and only dream is to make 'K & K' winner. I made this team with my own hands. So I can't think anything without it. In my 29 years of life I actually don't have anything to think. No friends, no love/girlfriend, no family. Actually friends and family were with me but right now I am alone. I just have my team. I just think about my team.

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