Chapter 34: The Devil Binding Ritual

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In the Previous chapter

"Actually....we haven't been able to reach them...."

To the chapter

As this is said everyone looks looks at Marx shocked Rill says

"What?! Did something happen to charmy and the others?" He questions worried for his friends as Nacht says

"Each member apart from the fourth left their castle yesterday Vanica might have attacked the Heart Kingdom" he says gaining a 'what?' From asta at this Point Mike stands up gaining everyone's attention as he says

"I shall go to I remember they were under Attack as I left so ill find out if they're OK Nacht I'm assuming you're going back to the Hideout?" He asks Gaining a Nod from Nacht he says

"Then I shall see you all during the Attack goodday" he says bowing slightly as he Teleports away

At the Heart Kingdom

As Mike Teleports in he sees the Kingdom is in shambles it looked like several explosions had happened looking around he detects Noelle's and the Others Magic and goes to it upon getting close he sees Patry and Raia waiting for him who say

"We've been waiting for you Mike" Patry says with a smile

"Yo been waiting for ya Doc" Raia says with a grin Mike Nods to them both and says

"Is see what's the situation?" He asks straight to the point as they lead him further into the forest Patry says

"The Spade Kingdom attacked as you know but they manged to take the Queen during it then the superior Blew up all her subordinates" he says grimly Mike nods to this information and says

"I see how many Wounded?" He asks politely as Raia responds saying

"Thankfully the Water spirit Undine protected the Citizens but your Friends and the Spirit guardians were caught in the blast we've healed them to our abilities but we would like you to check their conditions" he says Mike Immediately responds

"Very well take me to them" he says they then lead him to the others Whom are all Unconscious Mike inspects them all and says

"Healing Magic: Instant Healing" as he says this everyone Unconscious are healed Making Noelle awaken in a sweat as she looks up and sees all the elves plus Mike looking at her she says

"You're all....the leader of the Midnight Sun and the elves from the third eye 'Notices mikes there' and Mike!" She says as Mike says

"Are you feeling any pain? Any discomfort?" He says in typical Doctor fashion Noelle shakes her head as Mike says

"Good I'm going to check on Everyone else so feel free to ask questions OK?" He asks Gaining a Nod from her he goes to check up everyone else as Noelle turns to Patry and says

"Where are we?" She asks gaining an immediate response from Patry who says

"This is Elysia its a secluded area in a strong magic region located Deep within the Heart Kingdom" he says as everyone basks in the peacefulness of the areas dense magic they then see Descendants of The First Wizard Kings sister and Lichts child who upon seeing Nero crys tears of Joy at this Mike Comes back and says

"Everyone's in good health thankfully" he says turning around to them all he says

"I suggest a days rest but knowing you all you're gonna train so do what you will I shall be training Asta for this so good luck" he says Teleporting to the Black bulls Hideout upon entering he hears Nacht berate them all slightly making him angry he says

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