Chapter 6: Dungeon Expedition

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The Day had started normally everyone was either still in bed or doing their usual routines for the Day

The Doctor was still looking into the whereabouts of the Monks temple still intrigued as to how one uses the magic blade he now possesses he also wanted to know exactly what was inside as well as any book he read does not state whats inside exactly just saying it was their base frowning at this he Realises he needs to prepare for anything if he finds it as he is Making contingencies for the scenario that he does find the Temple he hears a Knock outside his door grabbing his attention looking curiously he opens the door to see Yami standing outside

"Oh Goodmorning Sir Yami may I help you with something?" He asks 'as polite as always...' Yami thinks to himself before saying "We've been summoned by the Oldman lets go" Curious as to why he's been summoned he simply nods and follows him out giving Vanessa a wave as he And Yami use Finrals magic to get there much to the Spatial users dismay of course Making the Doctor chuckle a bit at his somewhat superiors behaviour

Outside the Wizard Kings Office

On the way to Julius Office was relatively quiet Yami Said nothing whilst The Doctor and Finral were Discussing what they think they were summoned here for Finral thinking some sort of vacation whereas The Doctor thinks they had Found something interesting and want them to investigate as they reached the Office they Knocked Hearing the usual 'Come in' and entered as they walked in the Doctor notices William is there as well Making him more curious to the summons William notices him and smiles perplexing everyone as they walk up to each other and share a quick handshake William says "Good to see you again Doctor" he says Nicely as the Doctor nods "Good to see you as well Will" he adds in a friendly tone for his New friend Whilst everyone else is looking at the interaction with shock apart from Julius who William told of the interaction they had the previous night

Flashback After Williams and Doctors Conversation

Julius was not having a good time the paperwork for the Kingdom was piling up and he wasn't allowed a break well he was but since he ran off to see Asta and Yunos Magic his Assistant/Advisor Marx forbid him from leaving until he had completed all the work he has neglected as he was doing this he hears a knock at the door curious as to why someone would be here at this time of evening he Says "come in" and is suprised yet confused as William Enters with a bright Smile on his face making him wonder whats made him so happy

"My Apologies for the late visit Lord Julius I wished to give some good news"  William says still keeping the Smile on his face Julius looks at him for a minute then says "Whats up? From what I gather William You look very happy so it must be very good news" He asks as wondering what it is William Decides to show instead and takes of his mask as this happens Julius's face goes from blank to shock asking whilst stuttering a bit "W-William Your Curse! H-how?" He questions now very intrigued as to how he's been cured from it William laughs happily saying "It was the Doctor we were having a very pleasant conversation on something he was working on when he somehow noticed i had it he asked if I wanted it gone and removed it with his magic! I've not felt this relaxed for awhile!" He says Happily as Julius stays smiling and asks "I'm happy for you William it seems you made quite a nice friend Also 'Runs upto him with sparkles in his eyes' What spell did he use?! I found out that he has healing magic but nothing of him using it!" William chuckles and tells him the spell and its effects as Julius listens intently noting that this magic especially Keeps those under it's influence calm and relaxed still he would have to see it heal  wounds before confirming his thoughts William then bows and says "I think I shall take my leave now goodnight Lord Julius" he says leaving whilst Julius says chuckling a bit "Goodnight William" then goes back to his work thinking 'Now I very much wonder about your other Attribute Doctor...'

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