Appreciation chapter

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Sorry for no actual chapter today but I have something else I wanna say

Thank you guys a bunch for even reading this Book I had started it thinking nobody was gonna even see it but what do you know? You all did! I have been in an extremely happy mood ever since I started writing this book and I always gained a smile when I checked its progress just look!

Thank you guys a bunch for even reading this Book I had started it thinking nobody was gonna even see it but what do you know? You all did! I have been in an extremely happy mood ever since I started writing this book and I always gained a smile w...

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It went from just this

To this! Over time and It will always make me happy you all enjoy this book enough to even bother!

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To this! Over time and It will always make me happy you all enjoy this book enough to even bother!

Anyway the point is I appreciate you all seriously I do if not for the reads I wouldn't of bothered to continue

Anyway (I said that way to many times haha) Look forward to tomorrow for the next chapter guys! Have a great afternoon!

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