Chapter 20: the Assault part 1

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(The post I put about it being 4,000 words counts to both parts so you'll be getting 2,000 for this part and 2,000 for the other one just a quick note for you if you get confused is all anyway hope you enjoy!)

Chapter start

After changing into his new outfit Mike finally headed towards the meeting point for the Royal Knights Upon entering he saw he was the only one wearing something different to the rest

After changing into his new outfit Mike finally headed towards the meeting point for the Royal Knights Upon entering he saw he was the only one wearing something different to the rest

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(The outfit he's wearing with the Mask hat and gloves)

As he looked around he notices a lot of Magic Knights actually passed some he thought shouldn't have but there was definitely some good additions there as well still looking for anyone he knows there he finally spots Asta and the others even Zora who finally revealed his name it was a little shock to Mike seeing he was a Black Bull like him still looking around he also notices Nozel is here as well Making him think this siege will be easy whilst walking towards the group he quickly Greets Nozel saying

"Aah Nozel it's good to see someone competent is here" he says reaching for a handshake Nozel laughs at This before Saying whilst returning the gesture

"The same is said for you Mike I'm glad they know who to put on this squad" he says grateful some people he knows are reliable are on the team

He looks around and spots Ashley waving to her Mike then meets up with the others now discussing the operation that will begin soon he starts getting a bad feeling about this shrugging it off he along with the rest Go through a Spatial mages portal and look up to see the Midnight Suns base

He looks around and spots Ashley waving to her Mike then meets up with the others now discussing the operation that will begin soon he starts getting a bad feeling about this shrugging it off he along with the rest Go through a Spatial mages porta...

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Mereoleona then splits them up into Multiple groups with Mike being the only ones being a group of one as Ashley is with Nozels group she then instructs

"Group 1 will attack from the upper left"

"Group 2 will attack from the lower left"

"Group 3 will attack from the upper right"

"Group 4 will attack from the lower right"

"And were going to attack front and centre" she says to Asta and Zora getting a 'Right!' From asta and a chuckle from zora before they move however Mike asks

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