Chapter 7: Reports and Ceremonys

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During the Week the Doctor was somewhat busy he kept constant check ups on those who had entered the Dungeon which they were grateful for although he had gotten the information about those monks he was Researching and a new spell from it he was very annoyed that he lost a part of his cane in the process during it

He also Realised he genuinely was weak when it came to Close quarters combat and started learning about some new tricks although he would have to find someone to help him practice them...

As he was Reading the Books on the Monks he could only frown the more he learned about them it seemed as if they worshipped some creature but he couldn't know just from these books alone they only mention it briefly but it seems these Monks also undertook a ritual once they reached a high rank but not what kind Thinking deeply about this the only breakthrough was that he learned that the Temple is in one of the Magic Regions and would have to investigate more as to which one it was

Although he was looking immensely into this subject he was also helping out around the base in Astas place as the Magicless boy was still sleeping through his injuries The Best thing that came from this for him was that he got to see the magic beasts which fascinated him they even were very friendly to him making him laugh a little at Astas talk about them when he first learned about them he also cleaned the base including Henrys Room which he was very happy to see the Doctor again as most of the bulls were now

after he informed them of what happened in The Dungeon Minus his Duel with the Leader they each respected him in their own ways Especially After he Revealed his magic Attributes to them all

Flashback After they Came back to the Hideout

They had Just put Asta in his Room the Doctor had called all the Members into the Main area making them curious as to why he asked them there as they Waited the Doctor finally entered the Room now only without his coat showing holes in his Clothes but they noticed he had his grimoire in his hand
Vanessa looked at it shocked as she noticed the leaves on the clover had grown to three whereas it was two the last time she saw it she's snapped out of her trance as Finral asks "So? What did you call us here for Doctor?" He asks wondering what he wants Everyone else Nods their heads to Finrals question saying "Whats up Doc?/Whats up Sir?/Hurry up im losing time to bask in Marie's glory!"

He looks to everyone and says "I came to the realisation that I did not inform you all of my magic let me rephrase that Magics" he starts intriguing them greatly Finral asks "What do you mean Magics?" He questions curiously wondering why he rephrased his sentence that way" the Doctor immediately responds "I have two Magical powers 'Everyone's faces turn shocked' I have the Magic I was born with my Healing magic 'they nod their heads' and I Have my Research Magic which I Discovered when I started travelling with Nessa before she joined the Magic Knights" He says waiting for the others to process what he said as the do Magna asks "Whats does this Research Magic do?" He asks curious like everyone else to his fellow members second attribute

the Doctor looks to him before saying "As the name inquires i Research a certain Magical spell or affinity which after done so i can use freely 'puts hand out to stop them saying anything' and before you ask no its not remotely as powerful as you think for example I cannot learn multiple spells of that element only One although it seems powerful it actually takes weeks if not months to actually use the spell itself"

'Makes Whiteboard appear with diagrams on it' "For example if I wanted to use Finrals Spatial magic it would take three weeks to do so but if I wanted to use the Wizard Kings Magic it would take A year does this make sense? 'Notices blank looks on Everyone's faces and sighs' the stronger the magic the more effort required to learn it"

As he says this everyone Says "OHHHHH" in unison making him sweatdrop a bit at their lack of understanding making the Whiteboard disappear he says "Thats all I wis-" he's cut of by Noelle asking "Wait you said you gained a new spell in there but wouldn't you need to Research that?" She asks now wondering about that detail in his discussion with them now realising what she means he chuckles Saying "Oh yes I forgot he was relatively very weak and was only using one spell constantly making it much easier to attain the one I did how? Remember he was from the Diamond kingdom I noticed during the battle it was not his own Magic probably cause from their experiments" he says grimly making them shudder a bit he continues saying "Since it was not his own magic there was no time needed to research the specific spell only a simple question and before you even ask I had only figured that out during that duel so I was as perplexed as you all now that I've said that 'tilts hat' good night everyone" he finishes now leaving the room making Everyone have a mix of emotions

Black Clover: The Bulls DoctorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu