"Grandma?" Areum's eyes lit up. " I've never had one of those before!" Immediately, she climbed onto my mother's lap and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Oh" my mother gasped into surprise, filling afterwards.

"Areum, youre
Hurting grandma, get down there" I said worriedly.

"No it's fine" my mother laughed. "It's more than fine."

Areum smiled broadly as she started chatting to my mother about this and that, giggling and laughing like old buddies.

"It's been a while... Jungkook" Margaret said, smiling at me"

"It has... Hasn't it?" I said, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Well I'm glad you came back..." She smiled. "We're glad you came back."

"I can't believe how much I've missed this place." I sat down on the swinging bench next to Margaret, looking out at the beautiful array of flowers.

"What can you say? Home is always where the heart is, no?"

I smiled at Margaret, agreeing one hundred percent with her wise choice of words.

"I shouldn't have left in the first place... I'll always be remorseful for leaving my mother here." I sighed, looking down at my hands.

"Oh my child" Margaret pulled me into a tight hug.

I've always loved Margaret. I felt that I could come to.her and talk about anything that made me upset. She'd always give me a unique perspective on things. She'd make.sure that I made the right decisions and even if I didn't, shed try and better the mistakes i made. The two of us had a very beautiful understanding... Which we still had today... Apparently.

"We can't fix what's in the past... But we can better the circumstances that were in now. And look, you've already started. You showed up when you should have, you've introduced your kids to your mother- look how happy she is."

I looked over at my mother and Areum, playing and goofing around in her wheelchair.

"See? Everything is starting to go better for you. Start mending your relationships with people you ruined them with one by one. It may take a while but trust me... It's worth it. Maybe in between all the fixing, you just might find something valuable laying in the rubble. All you have to do is dig and rebuild"

Margaret winked at me and got up from the seat next to me, walking back inside, leaving me to think about what she just said.

Rebuild my relationships? That sounded like a lot of work... But was I willing to try? Maybe...

But right now, the most important thing to me has been accomplished. I've restored my relationship with the most important woman in my life. Seeing a smile on her face just made me happy inside.

But what if- what if I could make another person smile like that again? Would that make me happier? Would that make them happier? Maybe... But as Margaret said, I'd have to take it one by one.

But who do I start with?

No one's pov

"Okay so we did not just walk into a convenience store to buy flip flops and beach shorts" Hoseok said, slipping his wallet back into his back pocket.

"Do you know how wack we look?" Jimin laughed, looking at Taehyung, who was still wearing his formal black chiffon top with his newly bought colourful beach shorts and his leather leopard printed handbag.

"God we look horrendous." Jin said, pushing his sunglasses further up his face.

"WHO CARES" Jimin exclaimed, stopping at the boardwalk.

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