t w e n t y n i n e

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Tears burst like fallen diamonds spilling down his face, his chin trembling as he looked towards his window of his new chamber.

He was sitting there, surrounded by different servants who were getting him ready for tonight.

"Will you stop crying Woo young, you'll get puffy eyes", Hyunsuk the castle's steward told him.

A knock was heard on the door and that knight walked in.

"Hyunsuk, how are the preparations going? Is he ready?" he directed his question to the steward, "almost, but he won't stop crying."

"Give us privacy."

The knight waited until Hyunsuk and the other servants dismissed the chamber and crouched down to the level of the crying man, waiting for him to say something.

"You told me you're collecting new workers for the castle, I believed you..."

"Shouldn't you be honoured? You've been chosen from between many pretty men and women. You've been chosen for a reason; to be his highness' companion, his lover."

Woo young looked down without saying anything in return when he had many things he wanted to say, but couldn't.

Woo young followed the knight and the steward with heavy steps through the castle's corridors and towards the left wrong, a part of the castle that he hadn't visited before.

They entered the chambers of the prince and stood in front of the door of his bedroom.

"Remember, what happens here stays here. Never talk about it to anymore beside me." Hyunsuk warned before gesturing him to go in.

Woo young walked in as if walking in to his death, head down and heart thudding with pure fear. Everything he heard about the prince repeating in his mind to create a horrible image;

'he's a freak, a monster'

'No one saw what he looks like before, he must be ugly'

'he is cynical-'

"Good evening", a raspy voice pulled Wooyoung out of his thoughts sending a shudder down his skin.

"G-good evening your highness"

"My knights told me they found a jewel, now I believe him..."

Every night after that he was beat, torture, used. Pleading for all of it to stop, countless number of tears, nothing worked; it all continued.

The night always ended the same way, San sinking his pearly white fangs with his cold fingers caressing the other's jaw.

The others mind clouding, his vision blurred with tears as he tried to fight his way to consciousness but failing; every single time.

His teeth tearing into his soft skin until Woo young was lying unconscious in bed. San wiping the blood of his mouth and falling into slumber satisfied.

The rumours...they were all true... 

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