t w e n t y e i g h t

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The carriage pulled to a stop as soon as it passed the royal castle's gate.

[a/n – this is not the queen's world; it is San's Kingdom.]

Woo young, with all the other young men and women that were newly brought there were guided to a tent. They got examined by a doctor and anyone who wasn't healthy enough were sent back home.

A hot shower was next, then they were given new clean clothes. All of that before even taking a step inside the castle.

As they finally watched in, Woo young watched in amusement with shining eyes. The marvellous walls and all the luxury, everything was beyond his narrow imagination.

And just like that days passed; he had spent a full week in a place that he didn't even dream of visiting.

The time there was slow, days and nights seemed endless. Woo young couldn't stop thinking of his family and his lover. He didn't even have a chance to talk to him or say goodbye; it was painful.

It was one day when the knight called him, "Her majesty wants to see you. Follow me", he told him, woo young followed with heavy steps. He though maybe he did something wrong and was about to gat punished or else why would he get summoned.

"Your majesty", the knight bowed in respect and Woo young did the same, without daring to even raise his head.

"Jung Woo young right?" "y-yes your majesty."

"Raise your head", he immediately obeyed, looking at the queen close up for the first time.

She was a beautiful middle-aged woman, but her face seemed tired as if there was something bothering her, keeping her up at night.

She nodded in approval before turning towards the Knight, "I like him. Do you think he is ready?" 'yes'

She nodded again, her expression getting more serious, "I'll leave the rest for you.", she looked over to another old lady in the room, "Miss, do your job."

Woo young didn't understand anything. He waited until the queen left before looking at the knight with worried eyes, but before the latter could talk, the lady spoke up, "before telling him anything, I need to make sure he's suitable."

"Woo young, I'll be outside. Listen to what she tells you", the knight said before leaving.

Woo young felt like a trapped prey under the old woman's piercing gaze. She walked in circles around him, looking him up and down.

"Pretty face, soft hair, glowing skin, nice eyes, full lips...", she counted, "...Good, now take of your clothes", she ordered and woo young flinched.

"...What are you waiting for?!take off your clothes, I don't have the whole day!"

Woo young felt humiliated. He was holding back tears as he removed each piece of clothing.

"Hm, nice body proportions. He's good", she concluded before addressing a servant, "mark him."

After putting his clothes on, Woo young was given a burnt mark of a small crown on the back of his shoulder and he learned later that it meant he was 'royal property'.

"Woo young, you've been chosen to be prince San's companion. You'll be spending the night with him. And if he likes you, you'll be the lucky one", the knight informed him. 

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