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*The next day* 

Chae's POV

We both are in charge of organising the storage room as the new supplies would be delivered soon. That room always creeps me out a lot so I am dreading this deeply.

While organising the flour, I found a narrow, dark hallway. There was an unwritten rule that nobody was to go inside that hallway but I wanted to investigate further so I dragged Scarlet with me. She was very against it but after protesting for a bit she went with me.

I advance carefully onwards, deeper into the depths of the hallway. We passed a few more rooms, some doors were locked while others were left open. Some of them looked awfully familiar as though I had seen them before. Even though, were supposed to be strangers to everything there.

As we went further, the hallway got darker and scarier. We finally made it to the end, to what seemed like the 'final room', the path came to an end here.

A wide wooden door blocks our path. Large claw marks are all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements.

I step closer to inspect it... I hear a faint laugh coming from behind the door...

I look back at Scarlet's face, I think she heard it too because she looked mortified. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to knock on the door.

Suddenly the stone wall opened up into a distinctive dark purple coloured portal. I didn't want to go in there scared of what would happen if we did.

We both quickly turned around and tried to run away. But as I was running away my legs gave in; I was light-headed and felt a strong pull, pulling me towards the portal. I tried my best to escape but I couldn't.

Jinyoung's POV  

I was finally done with the last customer. I let out a sigh of relief and sat down for a few minutes, I was completely exhausted. I quickly got up, cleaned the table, organised the money at the front desk and confirmed the items being delivered today.

Then I realised that Scarlet and that arrogant friend of hers were still in the storage room. Were they taking that long? They had been in there for the whole day now, they must be sitting and chatting again. I sighed. In my opinion they should have been fired on the first day, they can't even do their job properly.

I ran into the storage room to find nobody there. where are they? I went further into the room, and saw purple light illuminating from a previously dark hallway, that no one ever dared to enter.

I decided to go in there and before I knew it, I was pulled into the abyss.  

Scarlet's POV

I woke up with agonising pain in my head. At first my vision was blurry; I rubbed my eyes until I could see properly. Chae and Jinyoung were lying unconscious beside me. Jinyoung was here! WE WERE DONE. We would lose our jobs for sure. I quickly started to wake them up.

Both of them were now up. We were all oblivious as to where we were.

We all stood up and started to make our way forward. Where was this place?

We stood in the middle of nowhere. There were fields far and near. Passing through the various fields ran a weed-ridden, dusty old road. Which lead up to a small hut. The hut showed signs of wear and tear, that reassured me that someone lived there. In Front of the hut there was a small delicate flower garden. It looked divine.

We started walking closer to the hut, to ask for help.

Suddenly the door opened and an old lady appeared from the hut. Signs of age clearly showed on her face, her eyes were weary. She was wearing what was once a dress and now is a tattered home to dirt. A worn-out coat over her dress, it was stained and torn. But at least she had shoes to protect her feet. Although they're missing laces, a size too small and there's a hole in the right heel which lets in water and dirt. A scarlet red scarf around her neck. Her wavy brown hair held together by a bandana, its old and ragged, but otherwise in a good and relatively clean condition.


Love you Chae Chae!!!💙💜💙💙💜💜

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