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Scarlet's Diary entry 

Ah...It been a year now since I started college and I think I have figured out life on my own. (?)

Me, an absolute scaredy cat decided to go ride a roller coaster... will anyone believe me, no! Cause I am the least likely person to do that.

I have never really liked roller coasters. Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that life is very much like one.

The experience taught me like any well-designed coaster, life has its twists and turns and steep drops but it also has ups. Agony is inevitable but it does not last forever and we are stronger and wiser having lived through it, even if only by a little bit. Omg I sound like an InTellEcTuAL.

Anyways, so let me write a little bit about life. College is going pretty well and I am loving it here expect the winters, AHHH! Why does it have to be so cold?

I am good friends with Jinyoung now, he was pretty reserved and cold in the beginning, when he told me the reason, he didn't open up to people easily it left me heart broken. I am glad he trusted me enough to open up and tell me all this. Aside from that, he is a very fun dude but even more fun drunk~, a little narcissistic but...I mean he has reason to be.

Getting drunk, the subway game (lol) I had a blast. Being friends with him I also learnt that hide and seek is more fun when your drunk, its dark and you're in an unknown city.

Even though Chae and Jinyoung are always fighting and bickering, I think they have the hots for each other...but you didn't hear it from me. But they do be acting kinda sus...

Let me tell you a very interesting story. On the day before valentine's day, I saw Jinyoung decorating a few lemon cupcakes (or at least I thought it was) nicely, writing Chae's name on it. OooOoH he knows Chae's fav flavour. I think he is finally going to profess his love to her. I was rooting for him, UNTILL....


It was the end of the day. I was walking through the back room to collect my things getting ready to leave, when I saw Jinyoung doing something with great concentration. I went closer to see what he was doing.

"Hey man, what are you up to?" I curiously asked. He didn't respond.

So, I observed from behind him, He wrote letters on all the cupcake and when they were put all together its spelled Chae's name. So, I was so excited, I thought my bestie was going to get asked out!!!!!!!

Jinyoung put all the cupcakes in a pretty box and put a note on it "For Chaeyoung, open when you get home ;)"

When Chae found the box, she was super confused. She took it home and tried the cupcakes, guess what? they were spicy and disgusting.

She couldn't even stomach one bite of that mess. The next day Jinyoung asked with a cheeky look, "how were the cupcakes Chaeyoung? Did you like them? I worked so hard on it." The look on Chae's face could kill.  


Love you Chae Chae!💙💜

Please don't stop reading I swear it gets better. 😥

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