Chapter 14 - Snow white

Start from the beginning

"Oh." Now that George had said it it made more sense, of course there was something between my brother and that girl. Only by the way that they were looking at each other one could tell.

"So how about Felicity, do you... wish to know her better?" I asked him hesitantly. Felicity seemed like a nice girl and George wasn't dating anyone right now, I thought.

"Oh, like you mean to date her? No, god no! I mean, she's a nice girl and all that, but I'm just not into... you know, girls." He looked up to meet my eyes with a sincere gaze.

The surprise hit me like a truck. I had no idea that George wasn't straight, I guess I had just assumed that he was, since he was a very 'boy like' boy. How incredibly stupid of me, since especially me should have been able to see through those kind of stereotypes.

"Oh, I really didn't know! I... Are you out to everyone yet?"

"Yes, since a while ago."

I guess that people can really surprise you, when you think you know a person well, you still never know everything about that person. That was a scary thought, especially since that I was one of the people who was mated to someone else, someone that I was about to spend the rest of my life with. But, I also think that that is vital when you have a relationship with someone, not to know every single detail about them, so that they can happily surprise you later on.

I looked around where we sat on the cold bench and noticed that there were other couples around us that were... doing some other activities, including sticking their tongues down each other's throats. For god's sake, this is a family place!

Those couples got me thinking how it must look like for me and George, and I suddenly really wanted to get back into the crowded, but child friendly, part of the street. I got up from the bench and though George looked a bit surprised he followed me. As we were walking I felt George's hand on the low part of my back and I shuddered, it felt weird. I didn't have time to tell him to remove his hand though, so I just kept walking.

"Get your hands of him, or you'll lose them." An ice cold voice said to our right.

I turned around to see my boyfriend, standing there with a bit sprawling hair from the wind and a furious look in his eyes. I felt the hand on my lower back disappear as i took two steps forward to hug Erik tightly.

I breathed in his scent and leaned out a bit before asking him what he was doing here, since he was supposed to be with his parents out of town. He didn't answer me though, he just stood there glaring at George. George didn't say anything either, he just stood there, looking a bit lost, and I had absolutely no idea why they were acting like this.

"Let's settle this once and for all, should we?" Erik asked George after a moment of silence.

What the hell where they talking about?

George gave a silent nod and started walking in the direction of the forest behind the tivoli. When he had turned his back Erik finally looked down at me and greeted me with a small kiss.

"What's going on?" I asked him carefully.

"I'm going to have a little talk with George, it will be over soon. Where is Jeremy?"

I shrugged, I had no idea. Erik seemed bothered by that, until he looked around and found my brother, who were jogging through the crowd towards us. They seemed to be talking over the link, once again keeping me out of the conversation. Why did people keep doing that?

Jeremy came over to us and took my arm in a grip with his hand. Erik gave me one last uncertain look and then he turned and walked of in the direction that George had walked off in.

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