The Journey

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Neysa Bahadur Ahuja

"Good morning"

" startled me!!" Placing the hand on my heart I looked at the girl infront of me. I can't believe that she's standing here!! It's been 2 freaking days and obviously I stared at her long enough for my brain to register that she's the girl from my dreams. But I didn't say that part to her.

Her wounds were mostly healed and when she asked me how I got to know about the medicine, I have no answer. I, myself have no idea what I'm doing or where am I going that day. As crazy as it sounds, I went with my gut feeling or more like my brain guiding me.

"Good morning, Iyla. How are you feeling?" I asked looking at her very young and beautiful face.

" are you ready?"

"Yes" I'm terrified inside to go out of our hiding place. Somehow no one came looking for us, especially the red eyes. I shaked the thought away. I would rather be in a thought that I'm strong than thinking of them and be afraid.

"Look......I have something to talk" I said nervously cause I'm not sure if she will agree with me.

"What is it? I will be happy to help with anything I can. I'm so grateful for saving me-"

"You should stop saying that. And what I actually wanted to talk about is me leaving" silence that's what I got.

"Before you say anything, I have something else to add. I would like you to come with me. But only if you are willing" I added quickly. She was quite. I know she's thinking about it. Maybe a lot of scenarios going on in her head right now.

"I know that you hardly knew me and I'm a human who recently got to know about the existence of you guys and all. But Oisin who claimed me to be his mate......he will definitely help you" I sighed shutting my mouth. It seems like I'm ranting on to convince her and I don't want that. I want her to make the choice based on her thoughts about me or trusting me or the whole idea.

I still remember how she looked at me with doubt and being cautious around me after she gained full conscious. Who wouldn't?!! I turned around to walk out of the old cottage making up my mind that I have to continue the journey back home alone, if I had one anymore......

"I'll go with you" she said but I couldn't understand the words as I was in my own world of sorrow.

"What?" My voice barely audible. As I turned to face her she gave a small smile which turned into a big one while she repeated her words.

I forced a small smile and suppressed the sad thoughts. I will deal with them once I return. I will get all my answers and I will make sure of it.

"I think we shouldn't delay anymore then. I actually don't know the way. Do you know the area around and surrounding wolf communities?!" She chuckled at my choice of my words but not sure which words.

So I asked "what's so funny?"

"Wolf communities??" Then she burst into full on laughter. I stood there confused, they did stay like a community what's wrong in using it. I shrugged my shoulders and then waited patiently for her to stop. Soon a frown dawned upon my face when she still continued.

"Okay!!! Enough, we have more pressing matte-"

"It's called pack not community or anything" then it hit. I heard the word pack one or two times.

"Okay now tell me if the name Oisin or Conall ring a bell?"

"What's the pack name?" I stared at her with a blank face. I didn't even know that community has a name. Wrong......that pack has a name.

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