Day 4, Friday: I'm Calm

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When I woke up, I forgot for a few seconds that I was cuffed to Alice. I tried to get up and off the bed, only to be forcefully pulled back by Alice and coiled by her like a snake.

"Alice, please let me go, we have school today." Alice shuffles and looks at me "Hmm. Okay!"


We arrive to school at 6:33 AM. My family offered me breakfast, but I told them I wanted school breakfast, I can't just leave Martha can I?

Alice also decided not to eat breakfast for whatever reason. We got out of the car and say bye to Jackson, Jackie and my Mother.

We make it to the cafeteria and I get in line, Alice behind me.

I have to wonder... why didn't she eat breakfast... oh nevermind I think I know...


I'm next to get food and Martha smiles at me "Hello Y/N! Oatmeal I assume?" She knows me so well. "Yes please, thank you Martha." She serves me it, as I'm leaving I hear a few sentences from the interaction between Martha and Alice that worry me. "Martha. Stop being so friendly to Y/N." Martha just responds by asking her what she wants to eat, Alice doesn't like this and her line of a mouth frowns. "Martha, stop acting like you're married with Y/N okay? If you do that I won't need to hurt you. Oatmeal please." Martha laughs it off and serves her what she asked.

I decide to just move on, I'll worry about that later. The time is 6:53 AM. I go to my Literature Honors class to eat my Oatmeal. The teacher in this class is nice and lets us eat in here, so long as we don't make a mess and noise.

"Hey Y/N! We both got oatmeal huh? We have so much in common! Amazing isn't it?"


"Yeah I guess? I'm going to eat now..." She stares at me for a few seconds, then nods with a quiet 'hnm'. I don't think she liked the way I reacted, not that it matters.

I finish eating my oatmeal and not even a second later I hear "I see you finished eating Y/N! I'll go throw it away for you!" "Um, okay, thanks." She takes my paper bowl, plastic spoon and leaves the classroom.

There's a trashcan in this room though...?

Alice comes back a minute later and class begins.


I'm currently going to the other class I had with Alice, Algebra 1. I personally love Algebra, first semester I got a D because I was being lazy with the work due to the worries of my Mother and Father. I forgot to mention, yeah we're in second semester. Anyways I decide to do some Algebra 1 work second semester and realize how fun it is. Right now I have an A, I was worried that they would accuse me of cheating because of the spike, but it hasn't happened yet, so yay.

I enter my Algebra 1 classroom and see a few students are already inside. I sit down at my desk and yelp a bit. I sat on something wet. I hear chuckling from the few students in the class, I get up and look at what I sat on.


It's a clear sticky liquid, looks to be maybe soda. I go to the front of the class and grab a few napkins our teacher has and wipe down my seat. I then sit back down and pretend I don't see Alice looking directly into my eyes even though she's sat in front of me.

This is fine...


Algebra 1 ends and I make my way to my locker. I need a few papers for my History Honors class. When I open my locker, a pile of envelopes falls out onto the ground. Everyone in the hallway start looking at me.

I'm calm...

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