Day 2, Wednesday Short

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I open my eyes and see two pairs of eyes watching over me. I close my eyes again


I then realize that this is reality. I reopen my eyes and look at the double pair of eyes, ones a pair of crimson eyes that belong to Alice, while the other is a pair of dark brown eyes, belonging to Mother.


My new family explain to me that Mother is now going through therapy and is taking medication, and because she's basically a child whose been abandoned, they allowed her to move in with them.


The clock in the livingroom says the time is 8:47 PM, back then, I would normally sleep when I stop hearing cars outside.

I go to my room and appreciate the second chance my Mother and I were given. I go to the bed and lie down. I didn't have anything to add to my new room aside from my eighty dollars which I never got...

MY MON-... actually, it's not even mine... huh...

The clock in my room says it's 9:02 PM.

Goodnight me...





"Ow!" I heard someone screaming and I fell off my bed due to it. I look out my window and see it's pitch black. I leave my room and go towards the light thats on in the kitchen.

I see my Mother with my new Mother, Jackie, standing on chairs holding eachother.  They seem to be scared, I walk to them and Jackie shoves me a can of bug killer.

"...? What's this for?" They point to the ground and...

I end up running away, leaving them to die on the chair they stand on. I enter my room and close the door. My new clock says it's 11:14 PM. I decide to ignore the screams calling my name and go back to sleep.


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