Introduction: I'm Hungry

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My stomach is in agony. I should really eat more...

Well I would love to but incompetent parents that can't do anything for themselves prohibit that.

They make me clean up their stupid messes all the time. Whether that be cleaning the dishes, or cleaning throw up off of a wall due to their absurd drinking. I don't get that.

I saw a bottle of tequila in the kitchen that had the price tag of $630.00, it's absurd. They spend so much money on stupid drinks then actual food. I have to buy and make food for them so they don't starve so much so that I barely have enough to eat myself.

I feel like I'm the parent, a year back we were, to say the least, normal. Then I hit the wonderful  age of 13 and it all went downhill.

See, when people say "Stop treating me like a kid, treat me like an adult!" Or something along those lines, this is not a wanted reaction. Not that I said that though, maybe I'm ignorant of something that happened to my parents when I hit 13? I wouldn't know, but correlation doesn't equal causation. Just because they happened at similar times, doesn't mean they're related.

Anyways, let's talk about how I make money, oh yeah. I steal it.

Thievery is pretty easy in a big crowd to be honest, not many people accuse a 14 year old who stands at an amazing 5'5 and looks malnourished to all hell of thievery because they feel bad. I guess this is wrong? Here's the thing though, I don't care if it is or isn't. I'm hungry and I have to do what I have to do. I occassionally rob people on my way back from school. More times than not I rob people who just have cash, I don't take their wallets or purses. I'd feel bad if I did, and stealing a purse is hard, so to hell with that. I don't really mug people, I just pickpocket a poor sucker who had cash sticking out of their pockets.


It appears to be morning, I don't have a clock to check the time... or a bed... or practically anything in my room, all I have is a few dollar bills in the corner hidden from the door so my parents wont steal my money, and my imagination.


I like to pretend I live in a normal family while lying on the ground in my room. I like to imagine eating in the kitchen of a newly bought home, feasting with Mother and Father. We'd be enjoying macaroni and they'd ask me how my day went. Father would work and Mother would cook and clean, but... that's fantasy and can never be real.

Father and I don't really talk. He gives me a quiet thanks whenever I do something for them, whether that be cleaning and/or cooking. Mother on the other hand is a bit much. Don't get me wrong, I do alot for them but her way of saying thank you is aggressive affection. I'd make food for them, and while I'm about to go back to my room, Father says thanks, while Mother glomps me. Of course I do avoid it pretty often, but she does sometimes catch me slacking.

Father is 5'9 tall and weighs 130lbs, Mother is is a bit taller, she's 5'10 and weights 144lbs. While I, as mentioned before, am 5'5 and weigh 94lbs.


Talking to myself is really cool and all, but I'm still hungry. I woke up this morning due to stomach pain. I at least drank water yesterday, but ate a few days ago. My legs have a mild pain and I really don't want to move. I don't even know what time it is, from looking out my window, I can tell that it's at least early morning, like ~5:00 AM. I have school tomorrow. We had today, which is Monday off because of some teacher meeting, which sucks for me because I cant eat food given to me by the school. I last ate on Thursday, Friday I tripped on a purple-haired girls backpack and spilled my food on her. She gave me a dead look for a few seconds, and probably would've switched to a glare had I not ran away. Then the rest of the day went by, I got home and cried the rest of the day to sleep. Yeah, when I got home on Friday I cried because I spilled my food, the pain was abysmal.


Anyways I'm going to sleep again, Father is probably drunk along with Mother. Both become very violent when they are, so leaving my room is a bad idea.

I'm hungry...


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