Day 3, Thursday: I'm Not Okay

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I woke up this morning to a loud ringing.

What the hell...

I forgot that clocks tend to have alarms, I'd look at the clock but something else catches my attention.

Is that a... an eye...?

I noticed that there is someone looking at me through the crack of the door. I make eye contact for a few seconds, then lie back down and go back to sleep. I ain't dealing with that.


I feel someone shaking me. I open my left eye and see my Mother. "Hng..?" "You have school in 10 minutes!" "Oh." Apparantly they didn't want to wake me up because I looked really comfortable. In the end they had to though.

I immediately get up, enter the bathroom and brush my teeth while showering. My new family have a car, so we go in that.


We arrive to school at 6:57 AM.

Hmnnn... I wasn't able to eat breakfast...

Breakfast starts at 6:00 AM and ends at 6:55 AM, which is really unfortunate.

I make my way to my first class, which is still Literature Honors obviously. I enter it and see Alice...?

"Hey Y/N! I dropped AP Literature because it was too hard! We're in the same class now though, how lucky is that!?"

She was in AP...?

"I guess... it is lucky huh?" She's sitting on the desk I normally sit in, which is second to the bottom right corner horizontally. I'm not about to ask her to move, so I just sit in the other corner. She gets up and sits next to me. "We should sit next to each other Y/N. We are siblings now and siblings should always stick together."

I don't like her tone of voice while saying that...

"Is that so? O-Okay." I look at the clock lying above the whiteboard in front of the class. The clock says it's 7:02 AM, class is starting soon.


My last period of the day, History Honors.


Class begins in a minute. History Honors is a class I already had with Alice. The teacher in this class is pretty cool, but he gave us assigned seats, not that I mind though. During lunch Alice brought two lunch boxes, one for her and another for me apparantly, I guess she was serious about making me food everyday.

Anyways, it's like three fourths of the way in class, and the teacher, who is around 6'1 and has a slightly bulky build, says "Alright class, we will be having a project, now before you all start bitchin', you guys can either work alone, or work with a partner of your choosing. The project will be an essay about what we've been working on the past month..."

Wait... what were we even working on... the past month I've been too focused on my Mother and Father... and only recently have I been removed of that stress... fuq... also, this teacher is cool and all... BUT HE GRADES THE ASSIGNMENTS LAST SECOND... so I still have a B but that could plummet once the grading period comes... aww man...

After the teacher is done explaining what we'll have to write the essay on, the bell rings. I get up to leave the classroom and feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hmm? Alice? What is it?" She looks dead inside. "Hey Y/N, can we work together?"
I normally work on projects alone because I have no friends. I really need a partner right now too because I know nothing of whats happening, so "Uh, sure Alice. Let's talk about the project after we arrive home okay?" "Okay." I notice the corner of her lips twitched upwards.



Oh yeah, I'm in the culinary club now. Not that I'm complaining though, free food.

I enter the club room and see Alice, she sees me and looks at me in complete euphoria. "Hey Y/N! I'm so happy you're back! I thought you'd forget or something!" She beams and I just kinda stand at the door not knowing how to react to the mood change.

"Uh, yeah, I came back... so what are we doing today?" I regret asking because she pulls out a bunch of ingredients and says "We'll be having a little competition!"

Im screwed...

She proceeds to say we'll be baking cakes, and the person who can make the better looking and tasting cake wins, and who ever loses has to do one favor for the winner.

I've... never made cake before... :'(... I don't even know how to use an oven...

"I forfeit." "Ah?!" I've never used anything here, except the eggs, and I dont know how to use an oven, she must have me messed up if she thinks I'ma make a cake and beat her when she made spaghetti look almost angelic.

"I said I forfeit."


My new family picks us up. In the end, she made the cake anyway and asked me to try it. I made a good choice in resigning...

 I made a good choice in resigning

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When I tried it, I froze. It was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. So far Alice has made two foods that I have claimed to be the best I've ever tried. She's too good at cooking and baking. When she asked me how it was... I told her to marry me. I meant that in a joking way, to show her how much I liked it, but...

When we arrive to the house, Alice proceeds to prove to me that she has no chill. "Mom! Can you bless Y/N and mines future wedding?!"


I'm not okay...

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