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Time skip: 1 week
It had been a week since Temari had been in the Leaf Village and today was the day she was going to leave. To say Shikamaru was glad was an understatement. The woman had dragged to almost every shop in the village, and made him carry all the bags to. It was almost like she knew the whole village like the back of her hand. He was very glad that she was leaving. All he needed to do was to get ready and leave.

As soon as Shikamaru was about to leave he heard a knock at his door. He opened it and saw Temari standing at the door bouncing on her feet. She quickly ran past Shikamaru and went straight towards Shikamaru's mother. Then as he was about to ask what was happening his mother decided to speak.

"I know you must be confused right now Shikamaru, but I can promise you that this surprise will be the best one you've ever heard," said his mother in a excited way.

"Well what is the surprise then?" Asked Shikamaru. He already had an idea of what it was but kept it at the back of his mind. 'There's no way that could be the surprise' thought Shikamaru.

"Well....you and Temari are getting married!" Exclaimed Shikamaru's mother. Shikamaru just stood there shocked. He couldn't believe this. He didn't even like Temari, but here he was hearing his mom saying he was getting married. It made him angry.

"I know you've had had your eyes on Temari for a while now, so I'd thought I'd make things easier for you and tell Temari that you liked her. Of course with the wedding planning she will be staying her for a bit longer now. And also don't worry I've already told the hokage about your marriage she said she's fine with it. Now I'll need you and Temari to tell me which guests to invite." Said his mother. Temari just stood there smirking on thinking about all the things she and Shikamaru were going to do once they got married. That was until Shikamaru surprised her.

"No." He said finally. Shikamaru's mother tilted her head to the side a little. "No what honey?" She asked." "No I'm not going to marry Temari, my heart belongs to someone else."

To say his mother was shocked was an understatement. She had absolutely had no idea that her son had love for another person and she didn't even know. Temari on the other hand was full on sobbing. All this time she thought that Shikamaru had loved her like she did, and here he was saying he absolutely did not like her. She ran out the house, leaving Shikamaru, his mother, and his father who had been here the whole time but wasn't noticed by anyone.

"So who is this person you hold your heart for then?" Asked his mother as she came out of her shocked state. His father had also wanted to know this person as well.

"Come on hurry it up Shikamaru! Tell us the lucky girl!" Shouted his mother. His father also had a smirk on his face, wanting to know his this person is so he could tease his son.

"Well it's not a girl. It's a guy." This shocked his mother more that his father. Shikaku already had a hunch that his son was gay, but never had the proof.

"What's his name then?" Asked a curious Shikaku. His mother had just come out of her shocked state again, for the second time.

"That I will not tell, all I wanted to tell you was that I won't get married with Temari." As he finished his statement he left the house, leaving his mother and father to wonder about who this boy was.


Shikamaru went back to the top of the hill where he saw Naruto picking daisies. He stayed in his hiding place until he gathered up the confidence he needed. He was going to confess to Naruto. He walked up the hill.

Naruto was busy picking daisies when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was Shikamaru. He quickly stood up to greet him.

"Oh hey Shikamaru!" Shouted Naruto. "Temari left to go back to Sand huh then!"

"Yeah she did, but I don't think she'll be coming back. At least not to see me." At the last part he chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Naruto. Shikamaru sighed before explaining.

"Over the week my mom told me that me and Temari would be getting married. I knew she liked me but I didn't like her back so I said no I won't marry her. That's pretty much what happened." Said Shikamaru.

Naruto was relieved that Shikamaru turned Temari down. He liked Shikamaru and only he could have him. Well no one until he confessed.

"So why'd you come here then, you got something you wanted to tell me?" Asked Naruto. Shikamaru let out a heavy breathe before answering.

"Yes I did have something I wanted to tell you." He paused before continuing. "I-I like you. I've liked you for the longest time Naruto but I could never confess my feelings. Will you please be my boyfriend?" Shikamaru finally finished.

Naruto stared at Shikamaru in shock. He never thought that Shikamaru actually liked him back. Nevertheless confess to him.

All this silence was making Shikamaru very nervous. The once thing he hated in moments like this was silence. He was about to just leave because he thought Naruto didn't like him, until he felt something soft on his lips. He looked down to see Naruto kissing him. He was shocked for a few seconds before he melted into the kiss and well.

It was a few minutes of kissing before both separated needing air. Naruto then responded to Shikamaru's statement.

"Yes I love you too," he said eye smiling. Shikamaru was so happy that he kissed Naruto again. They then proceeded to sit on the hill cuddling. Neither one wanting to leave the others company.

Time skip: a few hours

Naruto and Shikamaru left each other, but not before giving each other a goodbye kiss. Shikamaru began his journey home.

Once he got there he was when he saw Temari at his doorstep. She had her arms folded and she looked angry. Shikamaru sighed as he made his way to her.

"Shikamaru." She said in a angry tone. If Shikamaru knew one thing it was to never mess with an angry woman. But now wasn't the case.

He sighed before responding. "Temari I know your mad but just hear me out. My-." He said as cut off.

"Hear you out! Hear you out you say! You broke my heart and now your telling me to wait patiently for you to tell me something! That's bullshit! I loved you with all my heart and you just reject my feelings just as fast!" She was now full on crying after she finished her rant.

"Temari I need you to know that not everyone in this world will always accept each other's feelings. Just because you like someone doesn't mean they like you back. You just have to move on and get over it. And that's what I'm telling you now, get over it."

Temari stood there tears now falling freely down her face. But now she was smiling. It was a sad smile of course, but still a smile. She wiped the tears off her face before she responded.

"Your right I did need to remember that. I'm sorry for yelling at you, and I hope that you and your beloved have a happy life together. She quickly gave Shikamaru a one-sided hug before running off. After that Shikamaru went inside for a much needed nap. It was a very troublesome day.


1320 words

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