Chapter Seventeen

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The Earth knights, led by Sam, were already waiting on the outskirts of the kingdom. Castiel made quick work of assigning his soldiers to fly Earth knights down to Hell—they didn't have a moment to lose. If they didn't stop Dean and get that Mark off of him, Earth and Heaven would fall.

He and Gabriel led the assault, their wings pumping up into the air before plunging down into Hell.

Abaddon was waiting for them with an army of demons. The reddish, sulfur-laced air of Hell lit up the monstrosity before them with eery sharpness, and Cas' stomach twisted sickening when he saw who stood beside her—Dean.

The Earth Prince looked nothing like himself. One of his shoulders was dipped down further than the other, his royal clothes ripped and tattered. Blood stained his arms up to his elbows and was splattered across his face. A glowing red mark was on his forearm, shining through the blood. In the same arm, he gripped a long knife that looked to be made of bone.

The worst part? His eyes.

Those sea glass green eyes that Cas loved so much had been clouded over by pitch back darkness. It was impossible to tell who he was looking at, but he just stared at the army of humans and angels with a rather blank expression.

It broke Cas' heart to see the man he loved like this, torn down to submission.

"Kill them." Abaddon ordered, never one for eloquent speeches or chances of surrender. Those two words began the battle—the one to end the war.

— § —

Castiel didn't know how long they had been fighting. His and Gabriel's plan had been flung into motion—a good two thirds of their enemies were now drowning in giant puddles of molasses thanks to the bombs they had been working on. But with their shortened time and underestimation of Abaddon's numbers, their plan hadn't been enough.

He was covered in demon blood, fighting furiously against anything that dared raise a sword to him. His cobalt cloak was tattered and coated in red, his armor not much better. That insatiable itch under his skin had long since disappeared since the battle began, and Castiel fell back into that steady motion of war that he had become addicted to.

Gabriel was leading better than he would give himself credit for. Regardless of the Prince's beliefs, he was good at leading when he needed to be. The angels rallied passionately at his sword, and they knocked down demons with massive swells. Castiel's own garrison was just as strong, fighting furiously to end this thirty year long war.

Sam and the Earth Knights were faring well considering they had never been to Hell. Some knights had succumbed to the atmosphere and had been dragged away from battle to recuperate, but the others seemed too concentrated on the fight to even worry about the air. Sam looked regal from his place of power—his golden air glinted royally and his deep green cloak whirled around with elegant efficiency. His face was nothing but merciless fury for Abaddon taking his brother from him. It was a side of the younger Winchester Castiel had never seen before.

It felt like days upon days of endless slaughter. They had to fight through an ocean of demons to even catch a glimpse of Dean, who was murdering angels left and right while the demons distracted the others.

Castiel had to get to him.

"Cas!" Sam bellowed, slicing the head off a demon. He whirled around to see Sam pointing to something at his right. Dean was just a few years away, stabbing his blade through an angel's chest without so much as a flicker of emotion on his face.

Castiel lunged forward, barreling through a group of demons. Gabriel, Charlie and Sam were suddenly there, knocking enemies aside and letting him run through.

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