Chapter Ten

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CW: Smooches and some more wing kink but not actually smut idk anymore

The Great Room was alive with talk and laughter after the knighting ceremony. All of the Earth Knights, royals, and nobles were feasting together while guards lined the walls and servants wove between tables with food and drink. Dean sat at his father's right hand, eating silently and watching his knights celebrate fondly. Charlie was already having a drinking contest with the new Knights, Jo and Ash. Benny and a few others were laughing and cheering them along.

Dean was doing his best to train his eyes away from where he knew Castiel was standing. He didn't want to look at him, thinking distance was the only way to get rid of his unreciprocated feelings.

John suddenly nudged Dean very hard in the ribs, making him look up rather indignantly.

"Dean, this is Sir and Lady Braeden and their daughter, Lisa." John said. "Do you mind keeping her entertained by I have a word?"

Dean did mind, but knew better than to protest with three nobles and his father's glare in front of him.

Lisa was extremely pretty however, so a small part of Dean didn't really mind holding a conversation with her. She smiled at him with sparkling brown eyes, jewels glittering in dark brown hair pulled back in intricate knots. Dean recognized the smile and the batty eyelashes at once—she was very much interested in him.

"Enjoying the celebration?" He asked, deciding that was probably the safest ground to start on. He wondered if it was just his brain tricking him, or if that were really Castiel's penetrating gaze burning into him. Maybe he wanted Cas to see him flirting with Lisa. Maybe he wanted the angel to know just how much he was missing out on...

"I am." Lisa replied, tracing the silky pattern of the tablecloth with a slim finger and glancing up at Dean through her eyelashes. "Y'know, I've heard all about your good looks, but I guess words just don't do justice to the real deal, do they?"

A part of Dean's heart sank, but the rest of his pride ballooned. He wanted to shove this into Cas' face, that he could pick up any girl he wanted, that the only reason he had waited was because he wanted to, not because he had to, and now he was tired of waiting.

"Could say the same for you." Dean flashed her a charming grin. That was for sure Cas' glare burning into the back of his head, but he didn't care.

"You wanna go somewhere more private?" Lisa purred, intent clear in her eyes. "All this noise, I can't hear that lovely voice of yours so well."

Dean's grin faltered for a moment. Rolling around with some serving girls was one thing, but Lisa was a noblewoman. If he insulted her in any way or went too far, he could end up in a forced marriage to save honor and face. Dean liked sex as much as the next person, but he was also classy. No way was he going to take any risks.

On cue, almost as if he had noticed Dean's flirtations falter, Castiel was suddenly standing next to them.

"Apologies, My Lady but I'm afraid something urgent as come up that Prince Dean needs to attend to." Castiel said in that stupidly rough voice that made the back of Dean's neck heat up. The angel was downright glaring at Lisa, who looked slightly affronted by his abrupt intrusion.

"Excuse me—" Lisa's eyes raked judgmentally over Cas' wings. "—I sure those matters can wait, and I do not appreciate rude mutants butting into my conversations."

Dean's blood boiled at the word mutant. His hands balled into fists without him realizing, and there was suddenly a very loud roaring in his ears.

"I apologize, but I must insist." He could barely hear Cas' level voice saying before he felt the lightest nudge of a hand on his arm. It jerked Dean into motion, turning on his heel and following Cas blindly.

Remain Hidden (DESTIEL AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن