Chapter Thirteen

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CW: mild anxiety attack


Cas jerked awake, looking around wildly at the sound of his name. He whipped out the knife hiding under his pillow and pointed it at Gabriel, who was standing beside his bed.

"Gabriel?" Cas muttered, squinting at him. He lowered his knife. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk, Cassie. Heaven's not doing so well."

Cas was awake immediately, and rolled off his stomach. He had never seen the Heaven Prince so distraught. Gabriel's usual smirk and confident aura were gone, his wings drooping.

"What happened?"

"Raphael's dead."

Cas stared at Gabriel, who sat down heavily. Prince Raphael wasn't well known for his kindness or compassion, and he and Gabriel never got along—but still, he had been his brother.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel." Cas said quietly.

"That's not the worst part." The Prince murmured. "Heaven's lost all footing in Hell. Abbadon's been creating more demons and they're more powerful than before. Raphael's entire garrison was wiped out, and none of the smaller ones made it."

"Only Lucifer and Michael's garrisons are left?" Cas asked in horror. Gabriel nodded.

"Lucifer's wings are broken and Michael...he thinks Raphael's death is his fault." Gabriel said. "They're in no condition to fight and I...I don't know what to do. One more big play from Abbadon and the war's lost."

Cas could see the Prince's composure crumbling. The news of his family and people was tearing him apart, and he felt powerless. Cas understood what that felt like.

"They need a leader, Cas." Gabriel said, looking at him with helpless eyes. "They need a General."

He understood right away what Gabriel was implying. And it was both everything he wanted and didn't want. Leaving to lead the garrisons meant leaving Dean.

"I'm just a Captain, Gabriel." Cas said. "They already have a General. You."

"I can't lead, Cas. I've never been good at it." Gabriel shook his head. "Hell, sometimes I can't even negotiate produce! My only talents are tricks and takes, if I lead the garrisons we'll lose for sure."

"You underestimate yourself." Cas told him. "I've seen you plan out pranks. Everything is laid out right there, organized and accounted for. Maybe you've been looking at leading the wrong way. And maybe it's not rigid command and straightforward battle plans that we need to win this war. Maybe we need some of your trickery."

Gabriel gave him a small smile, but it was weak.

"I appreciate it Cassie, but I'm sure the knights would feel more comfortable under your lead. I know you've been itching to go back to your post, so it's there if you want it."

Cas ducked his head, and didn't answer. How could he? The last almost year with Dean had been the best of his life. Ten months ago he would've jumped at this chance, but things were different. He couldn't leave Dean behind. He already made his choice to stay with him. But his people were dying, Heaven would lose the war without someone to lead them, and Hell...would reign. Could he really choose to be selfish?

"It's about Dean, isn't it?" Gabriel asked gently.

"Of course it is." Cas sighed. "I can't leave him, but—"

"I'm not ordering you to leave, but I am offering." The Prince said. "My father will find someone to lead the garrisons."

"It could be you." Cas mumbled.

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