Six Years Later

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A lot had changed for Castiel in the six years he had been a knight. He rose to  the rank of Captain and commanded his own garrison, his small Lieutenant ear cuff replaced with a much larger and eloquent version to signify his rise in ranking. Heaven's war against the Dominion of Hell was becoming more and more fierce, and Castiel had already led his garrison into many battles.

    His crush on Prince Dean felt like another lifetime ago. Castiel had practically forgotten about those eyes that use to intrude his thoughts, and he had been so busy fighting the war against Hell to spare the Earth Empire Prince so much as a moment.

    War had changed Castiel. His quiet and reserved personality had morphed into stoic faces and cold calm, paired with precise and calculated actions. His wide blue eyes became shaper and hooded, his brow always ceased with a threatening scowl. His black hair that once flopped over his forehead was shorter and messier, sticking up at randomly angles that refused to be tamed.

    The half-starved, skin-and-bones serving boy he used to be had grown up, replaced with a tall, lean man with impressive muscles rippling under sun-tanned skin. His calloused work hands never changed, his body decorated with the scars and memories of war.

    The Dominion of Hell had been at war with the Kingdom of Heaven for nearly thirty years. It had gone on for so long that the Earth Empire created a neutrality decree to keep out of it. Castiel, however, was right smack dab in the middle of it all—and he was addicted to it.

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    The Crowned Prince was nearly his twenty-sixth birthday, just one year shy of age to get married and take the throne. Dean had certainly changed a lot since his teen years—freckle-speckled skin stretched over defined muscles from years of sparring and training with his knights. He had a sharp jawline and cheekbones, sprinkled with just the faintest five o'clock shadow. His signature green eyes still gleamed with cleverness and intelligence, and his short light brown hair always remained the same.

    Maturity had hit Dean fairly hard, in more ways than physical. He was growing into a man fit for a throne, and he now rather guiltily looked back upon his rude and petty nature during his youth. All throughout the kingdom, Prince Dean had become well known for his kindness and willingness to help. He would give his servants the day off or help a fallen villager back to their feet. He did what he could where he could, and people often saw Mary's kind heart in her eldest son.

    Prince Sam was almost exactly the same, perhaps a little goofier and carefree than his brother. He was sweet and patient, always happy to give the village children piggy back rides so they rode taller than anyone else thanks to his massive height. His blue-green eyes were welcoming, paired with an almost identical smile to that of the late Queen. Most of the Earth Empire's subjects privately sighed in relief to see the young Princes didn't take after their strict and tough father.

    While King John had lifted the unofficial ban on love, homophobia ran rampant.  There were still partners who had to keep their relationships a secret or limited to quick glances and a vague brush of the hand.

    But now that the Prince almost old enough assume the throne, hopes and threats began to arise—hopes that Prince Dean would change the backwards laws and threats that Hell might stir up trouble now that a new Earth Empire King was rising. King John had managed to stay well out of the Heaven and Hell war, but Queen Abbadon of Hell feared soon-to-be-King Dean might side with Heaven. Such an alliance would mean the destruction of Hell. Queen Abbadon couldn't afford to let Prince Dean take the throne for the sake of her efforts in the war.

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    For the first time in thirty years, demons walked the Earth. Alistair and Azazel infiltrated the Earth Empire Palace in the cover of night, dashing down the stone corridors for their target.

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