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'Mr Rodriguez called me'' he says with a Russian accent 

''Regarding what?'' i say

''Ace Knight, he wants to spy on him'' he says ans my dad walks down

''Come on up buddy, you get yourself packed'' he says and they both leave

''Why are we spying on Ace with Russians'' i say 

''I don't know, something tells me something bad will happen'' my mum says

''What the hell do we do'' i say 

''Nothing yet, go get packed up'' she says and i go into my room and pack a suite case and head downstairs and go sit in the car and message Ace

Where are you - me 

Why - ace

My dad's making someone spy on you, be careful - me 

Thought you didn't care - ace 

I do when there's blood on my hands for the rivals son, Italy will become a war zone so yeah i do care - me

Geez fine where are you - ace

I'm not sure yet, don't message back but watch yourself - me

I switch my phone off and place it in my pocket and realise theres two cars behind us

''Who are they'' i ask 

''Russians, we're going to a safe space - away from Ace and his dad''

''But why''

''I'm certain Ace is betraying us, getting Intel - that's why i'm getting you away from him'' 

Oh shit 

Did i just tell him what my dad was planning 

Oh i fucked up

My heart began to beat in my ears and i just didn't know what to do until we reached a house

''Why are there so many people'' i say

''Security, Ace will do anything to hurt me and that is by hurting you and your mother'' he says and we walk in and i see the leader of the Russian mafia 

''Ah Lucia, it's been a very long time since i see you'' he says and i smile

''Mr Vincent, how you been'' i say and  he smiles

''Very good very good, this is my son - Elijah'' he says and a very handsome guy walks towards me, grabs my hand and kisses it 

''Nice to meet you M'lady'' he says with a heavy british accent 

''My son was in London until yesterday, i called him back'' he says and i nod

''Elijah take Lucia up to her room, be a gentleman'' he says and Elijah laughs and takes me upstairs 

''Ignore the security my dad tends to get protective over family'' he says 

''No worries, it's not like i'll be going out much anyway, my dad's over protective of me'' i say and he nods

''I can see why'' he says and opens the door to a room 

''This is where you will be staying - my room is 2 rooms down, we're the only ones in this wing - your parents are in the east wing by the river - we're by the road'' he says and i nod 

''If you need anything just the ring the bell a maid should come over soon'' he says 

''I believe your suitcase is also coming upstairs so i'll leave you alone i'll be in my room if you need me'' he says and walks off and closes the door and i go into the bathroom and wash my face

''No i really don't know what to believe, would Ace really betray me?''

''Of course he would - he's the rivals son, once an enemy always an enemy'' i say and i hear my bedroom door open and i walk out and see the maid with my suitcase

''Oh sorry madam, here's your suite case, dinner will be ready in an hour'' she says and leaves and i pull out some pyjamas and take a shower and then get changed and put my clothes in a hamper and i sit on the bed just staring at my phone 

I'm not turning it on 

I walk out the room and head down the hall into Elijah's room and knock 

''Come in'' i hear a husky voice say and i open the door and see him sitting on his chair with his laptop

''Hey you okay'' he asked

''Got bored'' i said and he shut his laptop and i sat on the bed

''Well dinner's in about 20 minutes so whats up'' he said

''I think i fucked up'' i said and he raised an eyebrow and i told him about what i did by messaging Ace 

''Ah your father warned us that you might do that, hence the security, if anything bigger than a squirrel comes within a 500 yard, the head of security gets notified and if it's a threat well guns get shot'' he said

''So i didn't fuck up?''

''Even if you did it's no big deal'' he says and i sigh 

''Don't worry'' he says grabbing my shoulder and he turns on the tv

''Okay we got twenty minutes to watch an episode of brooklyn 99'' he says and plays it and after it was done we headed downstairs and sat on the table and a plate of food was placed in front of me 

''Thank you'' i say and begin to eat

''I take my son has taken care of you'' Vincent says 

''Yeah, thank you again''

''Any time Lucia you are like my daughter'' he says and i nod 

''You okay'' my mum whispers and i nod and she smiles and kisses my cheek

After everyone was done eating, our parents headed into an office and me and Elijah were back upstairs in his room and he gave me a controller

''Come on let's see how bad you are at playing'' he says and i laugh 


Over two hours had passed by and i had given up playing and he was laughing at me 

''NO STOP TICKLING ME'' i yell and i drop his controller on the floor and grab his hands but he gets on top of me and tickles me harder until water comes out my eyes and he stops and then looks down at me and i stop laughing and wipe the tears from eyes and then he begins to lean in...

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