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''PEOPLE'' miss martin yells 

''You may be enemies or whatever outside of this classroom but in here we are all equal so whatever your beef is, deal with it outside but in this classroom you are all equal, understood'' 

''Yeah yeah'' he says and i nod

''Now, surprisingly i was expecting at least 40 of you to pass but only 24 have, which means more competition, the ones who have not passed will be going into mr stevens class room, so sorry''

''Now congrats to the people who have passed, go take a seat and we will begin'' she says and i sit down and no one sits around me except for a girl

''Hi, is this seat taken'' she says and i smile at her

''no take a seat'' i say 

''Who ever you are sitting by, will be your partner for the year'' laura says and i smile at the girl and ace gets up and moves seats 

''prick'' i heard his partner say and i shook my head 

''Now, since it is the start of the year, it's simple, you will either go into an officer career or a law career and which ever you do, there will be scouts day in and day out, watching your move and offering jobs and internships. So give it you best shot'' she says

''Now, since class is over, you have 16 hours to give me the best case scenario you would give to this case. Two siblings- brother and sister- are convicted of murdering their parents in cold blood at night with a witness of their aunt, age 56, seeing it from across their bedroom. How would you win this case. Best case wins an automatic A, on the test. Now go''

''Jesus shes terrifying'' the girl next to me says and i laugh 

''Don't let it affect you'' i say 

''Mariana'' she says holding her hand out 


''Obviously who doesn't know you, just wasn't expecting the rival to be here too''

''Neither was i'' i say and she smiles

''lets go'' i say getting up when laura talks

''Miss rodriguez and mr knight, please stay behind''

''Go on mariana'' i say and she smiles and leaves

''What i got places to be'' ace says sitting down

''Never argue in my class again, if you do, you both will be expelled and i'm guessing your families will not be happy with that, i respect your fathers but do not fuck with peoples education'' she says and i walk out 

''Lets go'' i say to mariana and we head off 

''So what is the beef between your families'' she asks

''The whole of italy knows'' i say 

''Only moved here a couple months ago''

''Our fathers were best friends, partners in crime, they ruled Italy. People basically laid out red carpets every time they walked. They were the best friendship partners. They both had girlfriends and they lived comfortably, had houses everywhere. They were all young perhaps 20 or so, reckless people you can say. They were coming back from a celebration and my dad noticed his girlfriend had been missing for some time so he went to look for her, obviously back in those days, phones were only landlines. So he went to look for her and only heard her shrilling, spine breaking screams. She had been raped and then brutally killed in an alleyway and he was left heart broken. After digging and looking at some cameras we saw the people who did it and guess who it was. Ace's dad. He was jealous of my father, always being one step ahead, always being the first person approached. The anger that my dad felt that night, i couldn't imagine and me and ace we've grown up hating each other, for now we kept peace for all of italy, but something tells me this peace will not last forever'' i say and get up

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