He sighed and looked down.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Dave. But I'm sure New York–"

Then he looked up at me with a goofy grin.

"Wait. You're coming?"

He raised his arms in a what-can-I-say manner.

My mouth opened in pleasant surprise. I shoved his shoulder.

"Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder, "What was that for?"

I covered my mouth in shock and guilt. He looked like he was in pain. "Did it really hurt? I'm sorry."

"Nah, I'm just messing with you!"

"Dave! You son of a –"

"Guys, c'mere!" Mitchell shouted. "Let's take a photo."

We ran down the stairs and we all took loads of pictures together. Maxwell insisted that we all follow each other on Instagram and everyone agreed. They're a fun bunch to be with, in general, and I'm lucky to have met and spent time with them.

As things began to wind down, Mitchell and Harper decided to take off. As well as the others who have kids. The rest of us decided to continue the night at the Opera Bar, to which Harper reminded us not to get too wasted for our flight to Manila.

It's mind-boggling how insane all of this is. Me, Lauren, sipping Sauvignon blanc right on the water, next to the Opera house, and overlooking the Harbour bridge. Unbe-fucking-lievable. Life couldn't be better at this moment.

Lizzy and Cassandra's laughter rumbled through the noise of high-bass EDM while Maxwell and Trevor continued to get wasted.

The night went on in a daze and the next thing I know, Lizzy, Maxwell, Dave, and I were sat on the steps, enjoying the salty wind in our faces. The beat of the music from the Opera Bar booms from a distance.

I know my hair looks crazy right now with all the wind but I don't care. I like the way it feels against my skin. Cool but not biting.

The waves swayed to the hum of the city noise and I start to think about how it feels to be in the present, here and now, without the regrets of the past and the worry of tomorrow.

"Wow, you're really pretty," I heard a voice from beside me say and I found Maxwell gawking at me.

Lizzy threw an empty water bottle at Maxwell and laughed, "Good golly, Max, you're pissed as a fart." She turned to me, "Sorry for the bother, Lauren, I'll take care of him."

I can't help but laugh, "Oh, it's not a problem, Liz."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Well, off we go, mate. Ooh, watch your step. That's it." She assisted the now-drunk Maxwell down the hefty stairs of the Opera.

Dave groaned as he sat up. "Let me help you," He lent an arm to Lizzy, "It's a pretty long flight down."

Maxwell laughed hysterically. "What were we thinking sitting here when we're intoxicated?"

Liz and Dave looked at each other with disgust and proceeded to help Maxwell down.

Cassandra chuckled behind my back as the soft Sydney breeze picked up. I looked at her and noticed a cloud of smoke.

"Hey, I didn't know you smoked."

She puffed in twice before breathing the smoke out. I looked away.

She let out an amused, albeit insulting laugh, "You hate it, don't you?"

I looked the other way, "I don't like it."

"Huh," she chuckled then I heard her foot, stomping the ground. I looked and she was crushing the cigarette. Her brows wiggled at me, "What? Are you a prude or something?"

"Excuse me?"

"What, you're like little-miss-perfect who hates cigarettes and judges everyone who does it?"

"You're drunk, Cassandra."

"No, you're drunk." She stumbled and almost tripped down the stairs. Thankfully, I caught her in time.

"Okaaaay, let's go." I wrapped her arm around my shoulders and helped her on the way down.

* * *

It was a really fun night but all fun nights have to come to an end. And this fun night ends at the crack of dawn in the Sydney airport parking lot.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't get some good sleep." Harper raised her brows at the three of us looking like absolute garbage with our palms on our heads.

"Please don't shout." Dave groaned.

"Good morning!" Mitchell greeted boisterously as he stepped out of the car.

Ah, fuck.

Cassandra hissed uneasily.

"Morning, Mitchell," I managed to say.

"Why do you sound constipated?"

"They all have a hangover," Harper said on our behalf.

"Oh." Mitchell gave a nod. "Well, then, let's get you all something to eat. Come on."

We followed them as we trolleyed our suitcases begrudgingly.

We bought drinks at the Starbucks next to the escalator. I was the last one to order and when I turned to the tables, I saw Harper and Mitchell – all sun and smiles; drinking their lattes, looking picturesque, and laughing at each other's jokes. While Cassandra and Dave sat on the table next to them, drinking espressos, and trying their best to ward off sleep.

I sat next to Cass.

"What were we thinking?" Cassandra plopped her head on the table.

Dave stared blankly at the cookie in front of him. "I don't know."

"Hello there and good morning! Passengers for Manila Flight PR212 please proceed to gate 15 immediately. Again, passengers for Manila Flight PR212 please proceed to gate 15 immediately. Thank you."

Harper leaned her body towards us, "That's us, guys."

"Wait, already?" I haven't even had a sip of coffee yet.

"Yes, already. I know your heads still hurt but we have to pick it up, come on." She tapped on Cassandra's shoulder and tidied her things.

Cassandra raised her head with furrowed brows, "Well, thank God we could sleep on the flight."

"Oh, yes! And someone please remind me to buy sunglasses first thing when we land." I spoke.

"I agree," Dave nodded.

Mitchell moved his body to us as he sat across Harper, "I know it's hard for you to internalize right now, but I need to give you the models' names that are assigned to you."

I tried my best to focus on what he says.

"Okay," Dave replied.

"I'll put them on a note," he took out a pen and some cards and started scribbling. "Things might get a little hectic when we land in Manila, so I may not be there to tell you what to do all the time. But we've discussed this the other day and I hope you'll know what to do." The sharp sound of paper grazing another paper startled me as he moved on from one index card to another.

"Here," he passed on a card to each of us.

There were five names on my card. Gael DeLuca, Thea Garcia, Peyton Greene, Lexa Morphe, and Chrissy Salvatore.

"Show your card to the hotel receptionist, and they will give you the models' information."

All I could manage was to nod slowly and pray to God I remember what's important.

I took a photo of the card, added a text that said, 'drunk dumbass, give the card to the hotel receptionist for models' info.' and set it as my wallpaper.

"Got it."

"Good, let's get going then." Harper stood and we all followed suit.

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