43 | good practise

Start from the beginning

"I always loved makeup and the idea of using it to create something which can make you feel confident and beautiful. So, I got the most amazing opportunity to be a makeup artist at a famous modelling show, and my career just excelled from there." She continues and I widen my eyes slightly, surprised by what she's saying.

I never knew that was how she started her career. I always knew she was into makeup and stuff but never did I imagine she would get the opportunity to be a makeup artist at a world famous fashion show.

"I have connections in the industry, so does grandma Mabel." My mom says. "If you're one hundred percent sure that this is what you want to do, we can always get in contact with some people and see what happens from there?"

"I don't know.." I mumble distantly snd she lifts a brow.

"Why? What do you mean?"

I shrug my shoulders slightly, "it's just that.. I want to work for it, you know?" I tell her and she reaches across the table for my hand, squeezing it comfortingly. "I don't want people to think I was just handed the job. I want to actually be able to say that I did it myself."

"And you will. You're just fortunate that we already know the right people to contact. All we would be doing is putting you in touch with them, nothing else. You will be working for it all." She assures and I press my lips together, glancing down at the table with uncertainty.

Being raised in a family where you can be blessed with the most amazing opportunities is something I'll never take for granted, but it's just the idea of me feeling as though I'm not actually working for what I have, that gets to me.

I want to be able to say that I did it and worked my way up bit by bit, and not just get it all handed to me on a silver platter.

It's just a difficult situation for me, and I don't want to make the wrong decisions and end up regretting them in the long run.

"Just think about it." My mom says softly. "Lets get your birthday out of the way and then we can sit down again and discuss what you want to do."

"Okay," I agree and she offers a fond smile, stroking her thumb gently over my palm.

"Now, don't you have some babysitting duties to take care of?" She grins and I roll my eyes, releasing a playful groan as I drop my head into the palm of my hand.

I forgot I agreed to babysit August today. Yes, I actually agreed with no payment involved at all.. I just willingly volunteered myself. I must be coming down with something.

Hopefully it shouldn't be as bad this time. August is now one, walking and beginning to babble properly and create some familiar sounds. Grey took him back to Massachusetts for his birthday earlier this month so that his late fiancé's parents could spend it with him.

They took loads of pictures and I was able to have a look through some of them when they returned home the following week. August is literally Grey's double, it's actually scary how similar they are, both in appearance and personality.

My mom glances down at her phone when it lights up, receiving a notification. "Thea it's almost four, you should probably leave so that Grey can get to work."

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