Basic Arm, Sticker's Solution.

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"Just give me the arm!!!" You yell at the man who sat in front of you, watching his eyes stare into yours in disbelief.

"So now you're taking prosthetics from people??" Bucky shot back, watching you roll your eyes and shake your head vigorously.

"Way to make me seem like an awful person." You pout, shaking your head once more before getting up. You opened the top drawer of your bedside table, grabbing a clear package and throwing it on the bed where Bucky sat. He picked it up in curiosity, looking back up at you.

"The hell is this?" He questioned as it crinkled in his hand, looking at the contents that remain in its hold.

"They are called stickers, I ordered them from this company named Amazon. You put them on things you like and it's like a cool decorative thingy." You stood proudly before him, your arms resting at your hips. "Okay? But what does this have to do with my ar- No, no, no." He stood up as he dropped the package back onto the bed, a crinkle sticking to the disappointed air. You scurried to grab his arm before he could leave the room, sitting him back down on the bed.

"I'm just saying, your arm looks way too basic and lonely and before you say anything, these stickers were almost $15! And your arm is the perfect candidate for my special sticker display."

"My arm is not for display, Y/N. And it's not an arm that's made for these... sticky things... Go put them on the fridge or else where." You huffed in frustration, pouting as you stare into his eyes, hoping for some remorse. "Y/N, giving me puppy eyes won't work. You've got me the first couple of times, won't happen again."

Dropping back onto the bed, you groan at his words and basically throw a small tantrum, kicking your legs around. "buCkkkkkYyyYyYyyYy, PlleeEeeeAsEe!!" He watches you in utter embarrassment, "Sometimes I wonder if I'm dating a grown man or a child." You huffed as you sat up, shaking off your disappointment for failing 'mission get James to approve of your decoration skills but make it his arm'. "Don't word it like that, man, it's just weird."

He shook his head, patting your knee as he stood up. "My arm is completely off limits for those, stick- stickie-"


"For your stickers, okay? And don't even think about calling that Rocket Raccoon guy when I'm sleeping." You curled on the bed as he walked out of the room, pouting as the stickers were left staring back at you. "Buzzkill... But.... Operation Stickers on the edgy guy remains in progress... I'll just get him where he's most vulnerable."
"Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybr-" (I'm clearly joking please.)
Hours had past and your eyes remained glued to the transparent package that held your precious weapon. It had finally struck 10pm and Bucky was knocked out cold, you had remained still for almost an hour so he presumed you had slept and was safe from any war. But oh boy, was he wrong....

You slowly got yourself out of the sheets, with great critical thinking, you decided to quietly, with no sound, grab the package and run out the door to open it up there. Being smart had its perks, and waking up Bucky just to do this would be a really dumb decision. You tried your best to quickly take the contents out of the package, and into your hands, turning off the lights, you tiptoed back into the room, keeping your breathing to a minimum.

You brought yourself over to Bucky's side of the room and started peeling off the back of a sticker, quietly plopping it on his metal arm, using your pointer finger to seal it down. Whenever the man stirred, you stopped with all your might and became stiff, at this point you've mastered the ability to remain incredibly still. (Thank you, Drax).

Once you were finished you brushed all the remaining scraps under the bed and tip toed yourself back to your side of the bed, getting in quietly, and trying your best to get to sleep before any suspicion arises.

You had woken up to the sound of a pan clanking to the tiled floor, jolting awake by the sudden noise, you ran into the kitchen where you saw your lover staring at you with widen eyes, following your glances at the pots, pans, kitchen utensils, plates, etc, taken out of every single drawer and cabinet, scattered all over the kitchen floor and counters.

He chuckled in embarrassment as you caught him red handed, well, he gave his position away by dropping a pan. You shook your head at the scene, laughing to yourself. "Is this my punishment for putting those cute little stickers on your beautiful arm?" You questioned as the man nodded in stiffness, releasing a held breath, taking in the fact you weren't going to be as angry as he would expected.

"And were you going to leave the house before I wake up?" You interrogated, a sarcastic, devilish smile plastered upon your lips, a heat rising in your chest. Perhaps Bucky spoke too soon on how your mood would've been interpreted. "I hope you can call in sick, love." Intimidation rid in the tense air, a guilty gulp displayed itself in the old mans throat. Oh boy.

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