A Flower in its Bloom.

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"You're not a killer. you're a blossoming flower.
You're only growing, and that you needed water.
Whenever someone tried to pluck you out,
your thorns always gave a shout.
But not needed fret, as I say these words to you, you were nothing close to a threat

Just a flower that hasn't grown yet."

"Who wrote this?" The metal armed man asked, his blue eyes skimming through the words that were typed out on the card, the message burning in his head as it repeats endlessly.

"A friend. Perhaps that water, maybe?" The therapist had said, a small smile regaining on her lips as she watches the troubled man before her stare at the paper. He furrowed his brows at those last words, finally tearing his eyes away from the seeds of the printed words. "Water?"

You're only growing,
and that you needed water.

"My water..." His mind remained blank before a face popped in his tangled mind, he suddenly stood up. "I need to make a phone call."


"Hello?" A deep voice rang from the other side of the line. The man trembled, his breath suddenly stolen just by a simple greeting. "Bucky? Is this Bucky?" He nodded, realizing the man on the other side can't see him, his cheeks and chest rising with heat, an awe struck him. "H-Hey, Y/N.... It is, it is me, Bucky." His eyes darted around him, finally finding their ways towards the ground, waiting for a response. "Hey there... I'm guessing you got the card? What'd you think of it?"

"You're my water." He blurted without thinking, He held his breath once again, unsure as to why he said that. It was the truth, you are his water, you are what helped him grow, helped him bloom. And that card was the seed. The start of it. "I'm your water? I'm what helped you grow?"

"You helped me become a big part of myself I didn't think was there anymore. After all that had happened, you kept me alive, even if I was close to drying up in the sun. You're my water."

"I'm your water..." You chuckled, a sweet noise of nothing but relief and reciprocation. "You're a blooming flower, Buck." Bucky hears you smile through the other side.

"That card was the seed,
you are the water."

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