Chapter Five

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Nathan's POV:

"Nathan! Wake up!"
Jayne woke me up. As expected, today was the first day of our first tour.

Jayne walked out my room, and i grabbed a few clothes and walked into the bathroom nearest my room. I threw the clothes onto the floor and started up the shower.

After my shower, i wrapped a towel around my waist and was about to get dressed until i heard a knock on the door.

"Nath? That you? I need a shower too mate!"
It was Tom.

I kept my towel around my waist, grabbed my clothes and walked out of the bathroom. Tom ran past me, whispering a slight "thanks." as he went past.

I shut the door behind me and placed my clothes onto my bed, i tightened the towel around my waist as i made my way downstairs.

I walked around the house and found Siva and Jay both huddled up, sat next to each other. Kinda looking like a snail, a conjoined snail, more specifically.

We talked for a while, on how nervous they were and making fun of Siva's strong irish accent. But my attention was more focused on Jay. The way his hair brushed against the blanket, the way his laugh echoed throughout the cold and empty room.

I watched him grin eye to eye as he enjoyed this moment. Almost enough to make me forget about what he said yesterday. Almost.

I left the room and headed back to my own room, i put on a simple white t-shirt and some light blue jeans.

I put on a casual hoodie since my cuts from the other day had gotten a lot more red.

I walked into the kitchen to see Max, not feeling very well. I would've asked what was wrong if it wasn't for Tom appearing behind me. He had just come out of the shower and looked so excited. Kinda like a child at Christmas. I realised i was in his way to the washing machine so he could choose some clothes out.

After he got ready, we got into our van and started off.


We put our mics down as the kids cheered for us. Yes, it was only a small little school we were performing at, but it was nice to be appreciated, especially after the week i've had.
I haven't even told the boys about my fathers death. I don't really want to bother them with my own personal problems.

We got in our tour van and i got dropped off at the house while the other boys went off partying once again. Left alone again.

Maybe i'll just sleep through it.

But that's when my intrusive thoughts came in again.

You're all alone. You know what this means. Find the razor in the bathroom. Sleeping won't do it. Do it. You'll feel better. Your pain will go away.

I walked back and forth in the house. Alone. Actually considering this.

I stepped into the bathroom, finding the razor placed upon the sink that had a mirror above.

I stood in front of the mirror, razor in hand.

Come on Nathan. Stop being a baby. A crybaby remember? You're not worth anything. You're just a useless child. Remember Jay and Tom calling you a baby? Jay will never love you, he doesn't care about you. He likes girls. he's NORMAL. Liking guys isn't normal. You idiot.
Did you forget that it's your fault that your father is dead? because you followed your stupid fucking dream. You didn't even go this funeral today because of your pointless gig. Your a disappointment to everyone you have ever talked to. Your the worst friend, and son. Jess is the favourite child now. Idiot. Worthless.

I screamed to just stop the thoughts, but i couldn't, i couldn't get them out of my head.

I held the razor tight in my right hand. Sweating and nervous, I knew one way to stop this pain.


Jay's POV: 

I checked the time again.
I was so bored of watching the guys go back and forth ordering pints. It just made me want to drink, but i made a promise to Jayne.

She had left us soon after we arrived and made me promise that i'd be the sober driver to get us home since she wanted to spend time with her family.

I looked over and Siva, hand in hand with Nareesha who were also sober.

"Why couldn't you be the driver?"
i asked him.

"Because i'm always the sober driver, Jay, why can't you be sober for once?"
He answered, annoyed at me.

"can we just go home now?"
i asked, looking at the drunken messes of our other bandmates.

"Alright guys! time to go back home!"
Siva calls, as he drags a drunken Tom out of the pub, and i help him by dragging out Max.


We pull into the driveway, and get out of the car.

At least the positive to me being sober is that i could possibly spend more time with Nathan. The other day was generally quite fun.

I push open the front door to reveal our hallway, dead silent.

"Nathan?" i shout out.

Siva follows behind me and nudges me on the shoulder. "he's probably asleep"

I nod and make my way to the bathroom, all this driving had made me need it.

I made my way upstairs, and notice a small drop of blood. Ignoring it, I jerk my head up, and that's when i see Nathan's body. Lying on the floor.

"NATHAN!" i shout, as i run over to him, putting him in my arms.

I notice his left arm, covered in about ten cuts and scratches, and in his right hand, a sharp blade, also covered in blood.

I take the blade out of his hand put it on the bathroom side. A tear rolled down my face and onto his body.

Siva stood in the entrance of the bathroom, stuck in a state of shock. Staring at the lifeless body in my arms.

"CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE" i scream at him. The pain in my voice got higher and higher.

As Siva called the police and explained everything, i cradled Nathan and held him like a baby. Whispering things here and there.
"it's okay Nath"
"i've got you"
"you'll be okay"

I picked him up and brought him outside and helped the ambulance workers put him on a stretcher.

They closed the doors and sped away.

Siva tapped me on the back. "You alright bird?"

I grabbed his hand and ran over to the car. We got in and I started the car.

We left Tom and Max at home to do who knows what while we followed the ambulance to the hospital.

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