Chapter Four

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Nathan's POV:

I woke up to a loud noise downstairs. I looked at the time, 4:34am

I walked downstairs to see the boys were back.

"Hi, Tom"
I saw to the drunken mess that was my band mate.

His arm was around a beautiful, blonde haired girl wearing a short and revealing orange dress.

"This- i-s Kel-"
He started,

the blonde slurred her words.

I laughed and Kelsey put her arm around me.

"Why didn't he come with us" Kelsey laughed, and stared at Tom, blinking a bit too many times.

"be- becausee he's a chiiilllddd"
Tom slurred his words as well.

My smile disappeared. Did i hear him right? Im just a child.

without saying a word, I run upstairs into my room. About to cry.

I told you they think you're a child. They are using you. They don't care about you. Your a baby. A little crybaby.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Glancing at the scars on my arm. Maybe I should just do it.

I noticed a razor conveniently on the side. I grabbed it and placed it on my arm. I let out a quiet cry of pain.

"Nathan?" A voice called from downstairs.

I pushed the razor away from me a grabbed a towel to cover the blood.

"you okay?" Siva finally got to the bathroom.

"uh.. yeah. I was being stupid and accidentally cut myself on something." I said, indicating my left arm that had been fully covered with the towel at this point.

"oh god, do you need help? be careful next time" Siva cautiously asked.

I shook my head and he headed back downstairs, leaving with a "you can always talk to me if you need something"

I took the towel off my arm and threw it into a basket of clothes that hadn't been washed yet.


I check the time. 7pm. and that's when i get a call, from Jess, my sister

"Nathan.. i- it's dad..
please come home as quick as you can"
She said with a serious tone.

I ended the call and put my shoes and coat on.

I rushed down the stairs and asked Jayne to give me a ride home, with no explanation.

As if she could read my mind, we ran out to her car and drove 30 minutes in complete silence to my house.

I drove up to my well-known driveway and exited the car to see Jess, with her head in her hands.
She looked up at me, her eyes puffy from crying.
She ran over and hugged me. A lot tighter then usual.

I broke free from the hug and stepped forward. "so.. where's dad? What's happened?" I say, facing away from her.

She touched my shoulder with her gentle touch, "...he's dead"

I span around and looked her in the eyes, hoping she was joking. Unfortunately, she slowly nodded. I stood there in shock, barely being able to say anything.

My father had a heart condition that could stop his heart for a few seconds, more then a normal person, but i never thought it was a fatal condition. I'm so glad that it's not genetic so nothing would happen to me or Jess.

I snapped back to reality.
"Where's mum?"

"She's in a bigger state of shock then we are. She isn't in the mood to talk to anyone, including me."

This is all your fault Nathan. For being so selfish and thinking about yourself. If you didn't follow this stupid dream of yours, your father wouldn't have passed. You weren't there to say goodbye. It's your fault. You broke your family. The boys are using you and then they are gonna leave you to deal with your broken family. If you didn't follow this dream, you, your mother, your father and Jess would be alive and happy. It's all your fault. Imagine how Jay will feel when he finds out you technically killed your father for not being there for him.
Killed your father... has a good ring to it

I tried to hard to get those thoughts out of my head but i couldn't.
I couldn't face my mum, or Jess any longer.
I phoned Jayne to pick me up and take me back to where i've been staying.


I looked up at the ceiling of my empty, dusty room. Thinking about anything. Overthinking everything.

For some reason, Jay couldn't escape my thoughts. I hadn't talked to him for a couple days, so i have no clue why i couldn't stop thinking about him.

I brought up my courage and found my way to his room. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a simple "come in!", i blushed at his voice.

I opened the door to see him, laying on his bed, just watching tv.

I walked over and sat next to him.

"What's up, mate?" he asked, putting his arms around me, causing me to blush more.

"nothing.. i'm just bored" i say, just glad to be in his company.

We spend the next 10 or so minutes watching tv, talking about random stuff and just random stuff, as friends do. Friends.
That's when i decided to bring up conversation about, well, us.

"isn't it funny how the other boys have girlfriends, and we don't? It's almost like we should start dating then all of us would have someone." I nervously said, pretending it was a joke.

"yeah that would be funny, to see the lads' reactions. But of course we are out straight" He practically laughed in my face. "and your only 16! i'm 18, so wouldn't that be sorta illegal?"
I laughed along to his so-called joke.

"well i'm gonna head off to bed. Night Jay"
I say, as i remove his arm around me and head back to my own room.

I threw myself back onto my bed, i couldn't help but just fall asleep. Today was a stressful day enough. I just hope tomorrow will be better.

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