Chapter Three

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Nathan woke up, still with his phone in his hand from the night before.

He turned his phone on and checked the top
notification, a text from Max from 10 minutes ago.

from: Max
Nathan! Where are you? We have a meeting with Jayne at 12!!

Nathan tossed over to check the time, 11:30am
"shit!" he gasped.
He got up as fast as he could and rummaged through his clothes trying to find something.

He put on a casual white shirt, navy blue jeans and his best blue cap. He walked over to the mirror and made sure he looked alright, he didn't want to look like a mess in front of anyone.

"You look nice!"
Jess, his sister, walked in.

"uh yeah, i've got a meeting with the guys soon" Nathan said, pulling his shoes on and running out the front door.


"Finally you're here!"
Tom yelled out as Nathan joined the boys.

Jay seemed to have a bigger smile on his face once he realised Nath had joined them.

Nathan stood there almost frozen, as Jay looked at him with his mysterious and inquisitive blue eyes.


Nathan's POV:

Jayne went on and on about how we were gonna be sharing a house as a group and told us how we would be filming video diaries every week, but i couldn't help but loose focus and just appreciate being in Jay's presence. From his adorable little curls to his insecure standing position. He was perfect.

We unlocked the front door to reveal where we would be living for the next couple months. We entered the front rooms and there wasn't much, just the occasional smell and ripped wallpaper. Well at least it was... something.

We all chose our bedrooms, mine next to Jay's, and Max's next to Tom's, i didn't check where Siva's room was.

"We should all go out partying for the first time as a group!" Tom called out to us all.
All the boys agreed, apart from me.

"Tom... remember... I'm underage"
I interrupted.

"Oh.. yeah."

"Why don't you come along in the cab with us and we can drop you home to your family for a couple hours? and we can pick you up when the boys come home" Jayne suggested.

I nodded and off we went to the car.


I watched as the boys' car sped away.
Sometimes i hated being 16, where the boys could drink, could drive, could do anything and i still need to wait a couple years.

Maybe I wasn't the right fit for the band.

I walked up my driveway and knocked on the door. Jess, my 13 year old sister, answered.

"Nath!" she gave me a hug, "why you home for?"

"the boys have gone out to party so i'm gonna be home for a couple hours." i admit, awkwardly laughing.

"MUM!! NATHANS HOME FOR A FEW HOURS" Jess screamed as she ran into the front room, repeating what i said.

I followed her into the front room and my mother smiled. "look who it is" she turned my attention to a man sitting down, waiting.

"!" i stuttered.

"Nathan!" the man stood up, and hugged me.

My father rarely comes home, he's always working and always so busy. He finally came home after 6 months.

"w..what are you doing hom-"

"just needed a little break from work that's all."

He shut me off. Interrupted me. That was unlike him.

I decided not to question it.


I sat down as the burning hot droplets from the shower hit my cold and fragile skin. Our first gig is in a couple days and all i could feel was a disappointment to them, i couldn't spend time with them when they went out partying. I felt like an outcast.

I got up and looked myself in the mirror. Maybe I could at least cut my hair or something, maybe it's just the way i see myself. I'm fine, i'm alright, just positive thoughts. Positive..

Nathan. Look at yourself. You are a child. Why did you even join this band?! They will get tired of you and kick you out. They are using you for your voice.

There the voice goes again. I could feel a single tear slide down my face.

There you go again. Crying? Really? You are a baby, a crybaby. I told you, you are a child. You don't deserve to be with the boys. They would go so far without you.

I looked at my reflection, and it staring back, letting the words get to me. I'm a baby. A child. A disappointment. I'm Nothing.

I rummaged around the bathroom drawers, just looking for something.. anything.. that could ease this pain. But nothing.
I decided to throw some clothes on, incase anyone came in.

I ran downstairs and looked in the kitchen. looking for just about anything that could be enough.


I turned around to see my mother, concerned.

"i- i- need scissors to- uh- cut my hair"
I hate being under pressure.

"Nathan. We have talked about this. You can't keep doing this. Please stop doing this."
She turned my attention to the faded scars on my arm. "Please. I don't want anything to happen to you."

My eyes filled with tears as she put her arms around me. "I love you, Nathan, but you need to stop, it hurts me as much as it hurts you"

"Nathan! There's a car waiting outside for you!" Jess called out.

I waved a goodbye to my mum and grabbed my bags.

I gave a final hug to my father as he whispered a "proud of you" in my ear.


Jayne dropped me off and our empty house and left again so she could 'make sure the boys don't do anything stupid'

I walked around the house, all alone.

I looked in the kitchen and there was so many sharp stuff i could use for my arm but as i thought about it, i decided not to. After what my mother said to me.

I lay down on my bed and slowly drift off to sleep. The quietness of the house was generally quite peaceful.

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