Chapter Two

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It's been a couple months since Nathan first met Max and Tom and he hadn't heard anything about the band. He would get the occasional text from Tom asking if he would wanna come out for a drink but Nath had to remind them that he was still underage to drink. That was his main issue about being about 5 years younger then them, he could tell they were becoming best friends while Nathan had to stay at home going through their tweets and finding the usual #Tomax hashtag they had made themselves. This is what made Nathan feel like he wasn't good enough for the band. He felt like a little brother that wasn't cool enough to spend time with his brothers and their friends, but he made a promise to Jess that he wouldn't quit so easily.

Nathan's email tone rang so he grabbed his phone as quickly as possible. He rarely got emails so this was probably important.
He checked the subject line;
he continued reading..

Dear Nathan, Max and Thomas,
We have finished decided on the
last two people for our band.
Please come to the place where
where you auditioned, so you
can meet the two new people,
you will surely love them.
Jayne Collins X

Nathan finished reading the email and ran into his bedroom and chucked his shoes and coat on, and before he left he ruffled his hair a bit since he looked a bit like a mess.

He called out before leaving the house.
He skipped down the road and then started running after the first turn. He was so excited to meet his new friends, he had never experienced anything like this before, because he had always been the "loner" at school.

• • •
Nathan's POV:

I arrive at the audition place, and grab onto a lamppost to catch my breath.

I look up and there's the one and only, Max and Tom, Max comes over and puts me in a headlock, in a friendly way, even if it wasn't, i was happy that they were here with me.

That's when we were greeted by Jayne.
I free myself from Max's grip and turn towards her, and that's when i see him.

Next to Jayne was this tall, curly haired guy looking at the ground.
He looks up at us and notices me, he steps back a bit and starts to play with his long brown curls, it seems like time was frozen. He tries to look away but that's when i catch a glimpse of his deep blue, shining eyes, that i could stare at for hours. I shake my head a bit and that's when i'm snapped back to reality.

"....and this is James"
Jayne continues, pointing at the mysterious stranger.
"there's a café around here, why don't you 5 boys get to know each other for a bit?"
Tom and the other new member agree so we head towards the nearest café.

I order myself a cuppa tea and notice James sitting by himself so i decide to sit opposite to him.
I sit opposite him and try to speak but my words won't come out. I couldn't even say hello. What is happening to me, usually i'm confident with strangers??

James looks up from his phone and notices me annoyed at myself so he starts to talk.
"Nathan, correct?" He says with the most adorable voice you'd ever hear.

"uh.. yeah.. and- and you are James, right?"
I say, finally finding a way to talk

Come on Nathan. Why are you being such a weirdo in front of a new friend, you coward.

"ahah, yeah, except James is my birth name.. you can call me Jay if you'd like" he says with a cute little smile, and an adorable laugh.

"do.. do you want my number.. since we are in the same band now and all..." I try to get my confidence back.

• • •
After that day, Nathan and Jay exchanged phone numbers before they both went home.

As soon as Nathan got home he sat on his bed and stared at his pale white ceiling. Wondering why he was so awkward in front of Jay today. He wasn't when he met Tom and Max.
Maybe it was just a one-off thing, he wondered.

Nathan got a text message. He came out of his trance-like state and picked up his phone


Hey Nath!
You seemed a little sad today
I hope your okay.
i hope you don't mind me messaging you
Also sorry for me being awkward today
- Jay

just reading that message Nathan got butterflies in his stomach. He smiled and held his phone against his heart knowing that Jay has a nickname for him.

He typed out a word or two before the voice made its comeback.

Why are you so happy over a fucking text message? He's just being friendly. Stop jumping to conclusions. This is why no one likes you

He deleted the message and fell asleep, still clutching his phone in his hand.

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