Chapter 8: Starcrossed

Start from the beginning

He was just about to get into the bath and subject himself to the treatment when he caught a glimpse of Bert strolling along the corridor.

"Hey!" he shouted hurrying after him. "You are supposed to stay outside! How did you get in?"

He half dragged the dog downstairs muttering with annoyance, "You are not setting your paw into this house again, get it? And if you cost me one hair of my head, I will sell you to a Chinese restaurant!"

Bert growled at his empty threat and resisted being pushed out from the house with all his might. His paws scraped the deck of the porch as he tried to free himself from Derek's grip and sneak back in.

"Oh, no you're not!" huffed Derek. "Hey, stop!" he yelped shrilly as Bert started to pull at his towel, the only thing that kept him covered.

"Bert! Stop that now!" he gasped, struggling with the dog. "Sit, I said sit! I've been feeding you, you ingrate!"

The spaniel growled again through his teeth and tugged violently at the material, making it slip though Derek's fingers.

"No! No!" he gasped, breathing heavily and trying to gab the towel back but Bert ran away already carrying off his victory. "Bad dog!"

He had no intention of chasing the animal naked, it was just a towel anyway. Besides, he had more pressing matter on his head, literally. And at least, Bert was out of the house. He quickly turned back towards the door but a new jolt of panic shot through him. He pressed the handle but the door didn't open. It was locked. It must have automatically locked after he ran outside after Bert.

He gulped heavily, his pulse quickening in fear. And he thought he was in deep shit where he discovered he had parasites in his hair this morning. At the moment, he was naked and shut out of the house where he left his phone. He didn't know anyone in the vicinity and no one would help him anyway. And he still had parasites in his hair. Life just couldn't get any perfect. He bit himself in the tongue. He shouldn't be complaining. He had complained earlier and now he was paying for it.


It was a slow day for Meredith. She had only one patient. It happened sometimes. They were days when she was on her feet non-stop and then dry spells when she was boring her brains out. There was even no Derek Shepherd around to irritate the crap out of her. A lazy grin spread on her face. Well, Derek Shepherd was probably busy with something else right now. That man just had a knack for trouble.

Her cell phone rang breaking the silence of her office.

"What's up, Miranda?"

"I think you should come here. There's a kind of situation."

"A kind of a situation?" repeated Meredith with a concerned frown. "Is it Tuck?"

"Nah. How to say it, it involves the wellbeing of the neighborhood."

Meredith sighed in understanding. "Let me guess, the situation involves the idiot from the house across the road from you, doesn't it?"

"I guess the word idiot sums it up just fine," said dryly Miranda.

"What did he do again? And why am I held responsible for his misdeeds?"

"Well, it's your fault he's here," Miranda said with blatant honesty.

"What? There's no one else that wants him gone as much as I do," she argued hotly. "And it's not my fault William chose him for his legacy!"

"True, but if it wasn't for you, the Shepherd guy would have been long gone."

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