Cole, Jay, and Skylor slowly inched forward down the long and white hallway towards the last exhibit, where the overlord in his dragon form was displayed. The three had checked the other exhibits where the siblings could have possibly been, finding no trace of them. Luckily, the hall lights were broken, leaving plenty of darkness for them to hide and sneak in. Well, Cole mostly. Jay and Skylor, due to their bright colors, had to literally press against the wall, while Cole used his new found ghost abilities to disappear.

"Damn, that thing is sure fucking scary."

Skylor whispered, peering into the overlord room. The staff of the museum had commissioned a recreation of the terrifying villain, since the last one had broken suddenly. The newest one was oddly more terrifying, a lot more accurate than the last one, the ninja were surprised they even kept it up when they last visited the museum, toddlers and babies were probably crying all day. Guess that's why they had put up a new sign that said the exhibit wasn't for little kids. The person who had done the replica even added purple lights in the overlord's eyes, making them glow like flashlights in the semi-dark room, giving it an eerie vibe. Cole popped back into view, scaring the shit out of the other two, pointinf at the spot under the overlord's head, where Nya and Kai sat, tied to each other, duck tap wrapped around their mouths and mask blind folding them.

The red haired female flipped on her mask, and disappeared in darkness, using Shade's powers to sneak towards Kai and Nya and free them. Jay and Cole inched forward, stepping into the room, instantly freezing as the door slammed behind them. Low growling sounded out. Cole and Jay knew that sound anywhere. The overlord's replica's head suddenly tilted to the side with a crack, eyes brightening ferociously. Skylor bolted forward with such speed that could only be recognized as Griffin Turner's power at work. She grabbed the rope that connected the siblings, narrowly avoiding being bitten in half as she ran back towards the others.

"No, no, it can't be fucking alive, no, Zane destroyed him, he should be dead, why is he back?!"

Jay yelled in a panicked voice, lightning crackling in his hands automatically as his fear took over. The overlord's limbs slowly jolted in all directions, like a puppet coming to life. He roared loudly which echoed down the long and wide halls, shaking the ground slightly. Cole grabbed the door handles, trying to pull them open with no luck. Skylor conjured a flame, burning off the ropes and pulling off the masks. Kai and Nya instantly jumped up into a defensive position, their hands being surrounded by water and fire. They relaxed as they saw the familiar faces, which instantly faded as they saw the fearful faces of Cole and Jay. The siblings turned slowly, jumping back when they saw the overlord standing tall and glaring down with a toothy grin. If this was truly the overlord back, they were screwed. Zane had managed to kill before, but was pushed to the edge of death.

"We can beat him guys! We're stronger than we were before, we've been training our butts off, combine our powers and we can take him down!"

Nya glanced at the others with encouragement, before looking up the overlord with new found confidence, the water on her hands swirling. Kai, Jay, Cole, and Skylor nodded and conjured their own powers, Skylor forming fire. The overlord let out another ear shattering roar and began stomping forward, smoke forming from his mouth.


They let loose their powers onto the terrifying dragon, lighting up the room so brightly they had to shut their eyes as their powers combined, creating a bright golden light. The overlord was thrown back against the wall, instantly disappearing into a pile of purple dust. Kai, Nya, Cole, and Skylor slowly opened their eyes as darkness covered the room without the glow of the overlord's eyes and the light of their powers to brighten it. Kai and Skylor formed a flame in their hands, lighting up the pile of dust.

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