Chapter 1

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It was just these regular late nights at the bar. Drunk pirates, drunk coworkers, drunk flirting, drunk men, basically drunk drunks everywhere.

Besides me, the musician was also sober. I had to be because I had to wait tables and make sure nothing happened. It was getting dark, and checking my gold pocket watch, my shift was almost over, I just can't have any more people come in.

So guess what happens.

A whole group of people comes in, and not just any group, but a group of pirates.

"This," I whispered "is just bloody amazing."

One of the pirates came up to me with, sharp, chiseled jawline, strong neck, clearly in shape. He had the brightest baby brown eyes, the tannest skin, and the blackest, curly hair I've ever seen.

"What do you want sir?" I asked in my sweetest voice ever.



"What do you want sir?!" The lady snapped while rolling her brown eyes.

She's been having a rough night, but that does not excuse this.

"For you to shut your trap and fix me and my mates 50 barrels of beer."

I saw that my order was outrageous based on how her eyes widened.

"You got to be bloody kidding me! That's more than what we have!"

"Does it look like I care, now, do like I say and get out of my face?"



I couldn't take this crap anymore, I snapped. I could deal with drunk guys telling me this because they aren't in their right mind, but this guy knows what he's doing.

I punched him.

"Do you know who I am!?" He yelled while standing up.

"A disrespectful pirate who doesn't know how to treat a woman!"

He then looked at his crewmates with a smirk forming.

"Grab her."



She was not expecting this, her eyes widened, she tried to run but my crewmates went after her and grabbed her. She started shouting out insults and bloody murder. My mates put the bag over her head and carried her out. Seeing her kicking and screaming was so enjoyable to watch.

I snickered at all the cruel ideas that popped into my head of ways to torture her.

"Oh," I said happily, "This is going to be so much fun."

I walked out of the pub and slammed the door.


As I walked up on the Black Fortune Revenge, my best mate came up to me hurriedly, seemingly out of breath.

"What is it skull drowner?" I demanded.

"Captain Alistair sir, the lady is giving the crew such a hard time."

This is unbelievable. "How can one girl give the entire crew such a hard time?"

"She is quite special sir." He said while trying to keep up with me.

"Yes I know, you saw how she acted in the pub. She's crazy." I then took a left, opened the wooden door, and went down the stairs leading to the hold.

"Not what I mean Alistair." He said with annoyance escaping out of his mouth.

Usually, if someone used this tone with me, I would slice their tongue off, but not only is Skull drowner my best mate, but also my best friend. He knew what he could and couldn't say around me, he knew which tones to use around me. He is not afraid of me like the rest of my crew is, and he is the most loyal crew mate I've ever had.

Finally though, I understood what he meant.

This crazy woman had a sword in her hand pointing up to one crewmates neck, and one foot on top of another mate's head. She was yelling at the remaining crew telling them to let her go and she'll let the other mates go.

Sorry, this is so short, but how good is the first chapter?

Give me feedback because I would like to make the story better.

Bye loves.

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