Chapter 7

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I awoke next to m'lady. She sleeps so peacefully, I pray that I will always wake up to this.

I heard my crew up deck doing their duties, heard the noisy seagulls, smelt and tasted the salty water, breathed in the moldy air.

My senses felt better, seemed stronger. I was right. Having Khalida by my side had improved me.

Slowly getting out of the bed trying not to wake my love, I walk to the now melted candle. I pick up the wax, walk over to the window, open it, and I'm welcomed to the warm breeze and salty air. I throw the wax out and leave open the window.

I then walked over to my oak desk and sat in my chair. I lit another candle and started looking over my notes.

So, I found the descendant of the cursed treasure. Who is my love?

I wonder if she dreamt anything, for as long as she passed out. What do people call them? Ah yes, visions. I wonder if she had one of those. I have to remember to ask her.

I didn't know I zoned out until I felt someone hug me from behind. I looked up and saw her.

My gorgeous dark angel.

Instead of a halo, she has her shining eyes. To replace the wings, she has her sharp wits. No harp, no problem, she has her strong, medallic voice.

"Good morning love. How was your night? Did you sleep well?"

"Good morn sir. My night was splendid with you by my side. And sleep, sleep was astounding."

"Is that so?" I ask, standing up to face her now.

"Yes sir, but I do have something private to share with you."

"Who else would you have something to share with? I don't talk to nobody." I say laughing.

Khalida smiles. "That sir is none of your concern, I can talk to people."

"Well after you share what you have to, I dare you to go and start a conversation with at least three of my crewmates."

"Right, what I have to share. When I passed out, I saw something. It seemed so real, it's frightening."

"What did you see?"

"If you let me talk you'll know what I saw." She said rolling her eyes.

"Alright then, go ahead and talk."

"And I shall. Now like I was saying, I was on a boat surrounded by low, grey clouds. I felt the boat hit land and I stepped out. The clouds cleared, and I was on no beach. I was in the middle of a jungle. I could hear no humans. Only mother nature. I went looking for people, looking for you. I called out for you, hoping that you'd be there, hear me somehow." She said crying now.

"I was lost, not knowing where I was or what I was doing. I felt pain and loneliness, thinking no one was there but me and only me. I was alone! Scared and alone! I had nobody. Then, about to lose faith, you showed up. Except it wasn't you. There was something otherworldly about it, reminders of death. It sent shivers down in my soul. He looked at me, with the sight of death in his eyes, pointed west then left. Just vanished. I heard a voice, loud as a church bell. It said 'Go west, and you'll see a cave shape like a shark's tooth, go in and follow along the river until you make it to the end.'  The next thing I know, I woke up in your arms. I didn't feel all those emotions when it has happened, it went by too quickly for my mind to adjust. But I often space out and see it, and feel these things, these emotions."

She was full out sobbing now, I was holding on to her. Uggh, I hate it. While I thought she was there laying dead unconscious, she was experiencing something alone, and I wasn't there to help her through it.

"I'm sorry love, my not being there. I shouldn't have played the music, and none of this would have happened."

She wiped her tears away then looked me in the eyes.

"It's not your fault, and I'm glad you played the music so now we know that I'm the descendant of the cursed treasure. And I'll be willing to do anything for you."

I was about to cry because she didn't know anything about the cursed treasure. It's called cursed for a reason. For magic comes with a price. But she was willing to help me anyway. To make me happy.

"But love, you know nothing about the treasure.

"Then teach me, tell me everything that you know, that I need to know."

I looked down, ashamed.

"The cursed treasure grants a wish, one wish for the worthy. One that the treasure sees as the chosen one. One who is the descendant of it."

"Well, what wish can I make?"

"The thing is love, is that any normal person can make any wish except for the wish of death, love, hate, wealth, or life. And that is where the descendant steps in. The descendant can wish for any of these, and that's why they have always been hunted by the ruthless and desperate. A descendant hasn't been seen for over eight hundred years. And you my dear are the latest descendant."


I can make any wish I want? People want to hunt me down. What does Alistair want to wish for?

"Alistair, what do you want to wish for."

"Not what." He said with his head down. "Who. There is someone dear to me, that I want to bring back."

"You want to bring someone back from the dead, from their grave, their resting place! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BLOODY MIND! Who do you want to bring back? Who do who want to disturb from their enteral sleep?"

"Whoever I want to bring back is none of your concern. So I'd advise you to do as I say, and stay out of my way, because I am getting my life back, whether you bloody like it or not." He spits out.

"But all magic comes at a price, that's the law of nature. So most likely to bring someone back from the dead, you'll have to have someone else replace them."

"Yes I know, the universe has a way of fixing itself."

"Who's going to take their place?"

Alistair got up opened the door and said, "Someone who does not concern you." He then shut the door and I was left alone with my thoughts.

"BLOODY HELL! What is wrong with that bloody pirate!?" I kicked the edge of the bed, and let me tell you, not the smartest idea.

After the high-pitched scream and holding my toe hoping to reduce the pain, it stopped and I went right back to being angry.

"Why can't I know who his 'life' is. I'm mean I don't care that he loves another woman and is planning on getting her back. What I do have a problem with is that he kissed me and talked to me like I was the only one knowing BLOODY HELL THAT HE IS IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE!!! That is not only disrespectful to me but the poor dead woman."

Then I started thinking.

How did she die? How did they meet? Were they totally in love? I hope that she's comfortable and is in a better place. If Alistair loves her then she must be a special woman.

Alistair saved me the night he kidnapped me. I've been going through a lot that year, what am I talking about, all my life has been a struggle. I just wanted a way out but was too chicken to do it. But I decided that night would be the night that I danced with the dead. Just because of one incident that day, it was my breaking point.

So after I help Alistair find his happy ending, I'll take his love's place, so we both get what we want.

He gets love.

And I...

I get death

Longest chapter so far. Yay!

So I just finished testing today and I'm having my graduation ceremony next Tuesday, so excited.

I think the book is coming along pretty well, don't you?

Bye loves.

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