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Marcus = Daddy 

Marcus😩> Hunter🤓

*Olivias POV*

"It's cold" I whined from the bed.
"Hug juice" Jaden said from the bathroom. 
"What's taking so long" I asked as I hugged Juice. 
"Im changing" he said. 
"Why" I asked. 
"Because I was showering" he asked. 
"Why" I asked. 
"Because I was working out" he said.
"Because Gainz" he said.
"You sound like Bryce, Josh, and Blake" I laughed. 
"I love that laugh" he said poking his head out of the bathroom. 
"Can I curl your hair" I asked. 
"No" he said.
"Yes" I said. 

"You have your own hair" he said.
"But I dont want heat damage" I said. 
"And my hair is fine for heat damage" he asked.
"Well yours is shorter then mine so it isn't as bad" I said.
"Please" I whined.
"Fine I have and idea" he said as he came to sit on the bed. 
"What" I asked. 
"We have to do a lie detector test and whoever tells the truth the most wins" he said
"If I win I curl your hair oh and have to wear a skirt and cropped top all day tomorrow and if you win what do you want" I said and he smirked. 
"You have to wear your tight black leather dress on a date to the private beach" he said. 
"What dress" I asked and he went to his closet taking it out.
"Of course thats what you chose" I said as I laughed. I went to Anthonys room as Jaden stayed in his room booking the lie detector for later today. 

"Hey Liv" he said as he sat up since he was still laying in bed. 
"Ello mate" I said as I flopped back on the foot of the bed. 
"What you doing" he asked. 
"Laying down talking to you" I said. 
"well what were you doing before coming in here" he asked. 
"Talking to Jaden and asking if I could curl his hair but he wouldn't let me" I said. 
"Wanna curl mine" he asked. 
"Seriously" I said shocked as I quickly sat up.
"Ya Avani does it all the time" he said and I smiled. 
"Want me to bring the curling iron or we go to my room" I asked. 
"Let's go" he said and we went to my room and saw Jaden there. 
"The lie detector is at 5pm" he said and I nodded as I grabbed my curling iron.

I sat infront of Anthony and waited for the curling iron to heat up as we just looked at each other. 
"This totally isn't awkward" he said.
"Not at all" I said and we just started laughing. Once the curling iron was hot I curled his hair which turned out pretty good. 
"Ok im done" I said and he looked in the mirror. 
"I like it" he said.
"You can show Voni" I said and he left. I went downstairs and saw Jaden making something. 
"Hey bro" I said to Bryce.
"Hey sis" he said back. 
"What you making" I asked. as I looked into the pot that had boiling water and pasta.
"Soup" he said as he stepped away to grab something. I grabbed the spoon and mixed it a bit. I put the spoon down and moved my hand accidentally tipping over the soup making all the water spill onto my leg and arm. 

"LIV" Jaden and Bryce yelled running to help me. 
"Shit" Bryce said as he saw my leg and picked me up setting me on the counter. 
"We need to take her to the ER" Jaden said. 
"Ok um take her to my car" Bryce said quickly and Jaden rushed me to Bryces car. 
"Does it hurt princess" he asked and I nodded as I cried a little because how much it hurt as Jaden brushed through my hair with his hand. Once we got there they brought me inside (I dont know what happens if you burn a lot of boiling water on yourself I just know to go the hospital so we are gonna skip the hospital). I walked out with something wrapped around my arm and leg burns. 
"Im sorry princess" Jaden said as we got into the back of the car and Bryce drove. 
"Im the clumsy one you did nothing" I said. 

"I swear we are gonna have to treat you like a toddler" Bryce said and all of us laughed. 
"And we cant trust you in the kitchen" Jaden said. 
"I have burned myself while I bake before" I said.
"Ok no more kitchen for you" Bryce said. 
"Then how am I supposed to get food" i asked. 
"You have a boyfriend" he said. 
"Ya I would rather you ask me to get stuff for you then you getting hurt again" Jaden said. Once we got home Jaden sat me on the couch because the doctor said I shouldn't walk on it for today but I didn't care what the doctor said. 
"Dude we were looking for you where did you go for the last three hours" Noah said to Bryce and Jaden.
"Liv being clumsy spilled boiling water on her leg and arm so we took her to the hospital" Jaden said. 

Wrong Number- Jaden Hosslerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें