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*Olivias POV*

I woke up and saw I had a text from Mads. I quickly got up and ran to the front door and saw Mads standing there. 
"Hey" I said awkwardly.
"Hi" she said and just stood there. 
"Um come in" I said and stood to the side.
"Come upstairs before someone sees you and makes a big deal about it" I said. Once we got to my room we sat on the bed and just looked at the wall.
"You and Jaden are cute" she said. 
"He's been avoiding me and missed my song premiere yesterday and was hanging out with some girl named Natalia instead" I said. 
"Ugh boys" she said. 

"I know like everything was perfect and then I hang out with Kio for a little and here comes Natalia and never seeing Jaden anymore but actually I think he's here" I said. 
"Jaden would be pissed if he saw me here" she said.
"He never talks to anyone or really leaves his room" I said.
"Ok then" she said. 
"But I am VERY sorry for what I did with Jaden and everything that happened" she said. 
"It's alright everything is better now" I said. 
"Friends" she asked.
"Friends" I said. We both smiled and hugged. 
"So being friends we need to have a girl day" Mads said. 
"I have lot's of nail supplies and face masks and hair masks and stuff" I said. 
"We are gonna look flawless after today" she said. 
"Like we didn't already" I said and we both laughed. 

We went to grab the stuff from my closet when Bryce walked in. 
"Liv and Mads" he said surprised.
"Friends now" i said.
"Does Jaden know Mads is here" he asked. 
"No and he won't find out" I said.
"I'm not gonna tell him because there are already enough problems between you two right now" he said and walked out. 
"Ugh maybe I wasn't ready for a relationship" I said. 
"Maybe you are ready for one but didn't realize how much work it was" Mads said.
"Exactly I wasn't ready" I said. 
"Just give it time Jolivia is strong and will make it just work the problems out" Mads said. 

"Surprised you aren't trying to break us up" I said trying not to laugh.
"I made a mistake...a very big mistake that I really regret" she said laughing.
"That is gonna be a fun story to tell mine and Jadens kids" I said as Mads and I laughed. A few boys walked in with surprised looks. 
"Liv what the hell is wrong with you bringing Mads here" Josh asked whisper yelling.
"A lot is wrong is wrong with me" I said as Mads and I laughed. 
"You never saw Mads" i said and nodded and they walked out. After a few hours of hanging out with Mads she had to go so I walked her to the front door.
"See you at some point" I said.
"See you later to" she said and we hugged before she left.

I went back to my room and put away the nail polish. I walked to Jadens room but he wasn't there. I sighed and sat in his bed as I pet Juice. 
"I wuv you Juice" i said in baby talk as I squeezed his face. 
"Let's go downstairs" I said and got up with him following. I sat on the couch as Juice laid his head on my thighs. I fell asleep and woke up a little later and looked on my phone to see a video on Natalia and Jaden again. I checked the time and it was 1 am and I heard the front door open and saw Jaden. The rest of the boys where sitting on the couch even though it was really late but they never go to bed early. I got up and went to Jaden.

"Who's Natalia and why are you always with her" I asked. 
"My best friend...do you have a problem with that because I never say anything when you and Kio hang out all the time" he said as he walked to his room. I sighed and went after him. 
"Well I have time now wanna hang out" I asked. 
"No i'm tired so can you stop being such a bitch about Natalia and me hanging out" he yelled and slammed the door in my face. I tried to hold in my tears and went to Kios room who quickly came running in. 
"Are you ok" he asked. 
"Jadens acting different lately and he's been avoiding me" I said. 
"It will be fine Liv just give him time" Kio said.

The next morning I woke up in Kios room alone and heard lot's of laughing downstairs. I get up and walk downstairs to see everyone and...Natalia. Bryce saw me and waved for me to come down.
"Liv come meet Natalia" Bryce says. I walk down and sit across from Jaden. Everyone was talking and I tried to say a few things to Jaden but he ignored me and didn't look at me once. 
"So who are you" Natalia asked. 
"Jaden girlfriend and Bryces sister Liv" I said. 
"Jaden never mentioned he had a girlfriend" she said and I looked straight at Jaden who was trying not to make eyes contact with anyone. 
"Wow Jaden" I said and someone knocked on the front door. I went to open it and saw Mads. 

"Why are you here" I asked surprised. 
"What the hell Mads nobody wants you here" Jaden yelled to her. 
"Jaden she's my friend" I yelled back. 
"So the girl who blackmailed me into cheating on you" he asked. 
"Yea" I said. 
"You know what fine be friends with her I don't give a fuck what you do anymore so go with Kio and Mads later and you know what go find a new fucking boyfriend" he said as he stormed out. 
"I am very sorry I just wanted to give you this" she said giving me my promise ring. 
"How did you have it" I asked.
"I did mean to take it I just got home and found it in my pocket" she said putting her hands up. 
"It's alright bye" I said. 
"Bye" she said and I went upstairs to open Jadens door. 

"Here Jaden take your stupid ring" I said and threw it at him. I went to get Kio downstairs with everyone as tears went down my face. 
"I don't get it what did I do why is Jaden so mad at me" I cried and all the boys groaned and just walked away except Kio. 

*Jadens POV* 

Natalia is in my room with me as I cried and held Liv's ring. It was getting kind of late so I told Natalia she could go. 
"I can stay if you want" she said. 
"No it's ok I wanna be alone anyways" I said and she just nodded before leaving. I was holding the promise ring I had given Liv and got tired so I got up so I could get Juice so he wouldn't be barking outside my door at 2am. I was walking around when I heard Liv in her room and I could tell she was crying. Her door was closed so I couldn't see anything
"Juice if your dad hates me please don't hate me because your the only one who isn't mad at me it seems like everyone hates me right now but I don't know what I did and I wish the pain would just stop" she sobbed and I knocked on her door. 

"Whoever it is fuck off" she said and I opened the door and saw Liv hugging Juice. 
"What do you want" she asked. 
"My dog" I said. She froze for a second and it seemed like she forgot how to breath. 
"LIV GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING DOG" I yelled. She seemed scared but at this point I didn't care. 
"B-b-but it's Juice please let me sleep with him" she cried. 
"Go sleep with Kio" I said. 
"Why are you so petty" she said before setting Juice down on the floor. 
"Bye Juice I love you" she said and Juice just stayed there. 
"Come here Juice" I said and Juice walked with me to my room. I laid in bed as Juice laid next to me. I grabbed a picture I had of Liv and I and ripped it up. 


If you don't wanna read like three million chapter/pages then I don't know what to tell you because I never wanna end this 


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