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 *Olivias POV*

After I woke up I got up so I could use the bathroom when I felt really dizzy. I went to the bathroom and went to Jadens room to see if he was awake. My stomach also hurt and so did my head but it was so hot but cold at the same time. 
"Jaden" I said as I walked into his room. I could see him starting to move around and open his eyes. 
"Yes Liv" he said looking at me. 
"I don't feel good do you have a thermometer" I asked him. He got up and went to the closet and gave me a thermometer. 
"Liv sit down" he said. I sat down and took my temperature which was 103.4. 
"Bryce is gonna be home today right" I asked as he looked at the thermometer worried. 
"Ummmm...well actually they decided to stay another two days" he said looking at me. 
"But I need Bryce" I said. 

*Jaden POV*

Olivia looked at me sadly so I decided I could call Bryce. I grabbed my phone called Bryce. 
"Hey everything ok" Bryce asked worriedly through the phone. 
"Not really" I said. 
"Jaden what the fuck happened to my sister" he talked a bit louder. 
"She just has a high temperature and wants you to come home" I said. 
"Ok I will be back as soon as possible but can I say hi to Liv" he asked so I handed the phone to Liv. 
"Hey Liv you ok" I could hear Bryce say through the phone. 
"I feel shitty" she said. 
"Don't worry i'll be home soon" he said. 
"HEY LIV" I heard Josh yell through the phone. 
"Josh fuck off she's sick and I dont think yelling will help the headache" I heard Bryce say. 
"Ok bye see you later Olive" Bryce said. 

"Bye Bruce" she said and hung up. I looked at Olivia and she looked so out of energy even if she did just wake up. 
"Wanna sleep" I asked her. 
"I can't because of my head and stomach" she said. I laid next to her and gave her a hug and never wanted to let go.
"Im sorry your sick" I said and let go of her. She got up and ran to the bathroom after staring at the ceiling for a few minutes. I ran next to her and put her hair up and rubbed her back as she threw up. Once she finished she brushed her teeth and sat on the floor. 

I sat next to her and she put her head on my shoulder. 
"I hate being sick" she said. 
"I know but once your better we can go somewhere" I said and she slightly smiled. After a few minutes I heard her light snores so I carried her to her room and put the blankets on her. I went back to my room and saw I had been tagged in a tiktok room post so that could not have been good 

I got a text from Bryce right after and he seemed a little mad

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I got a text from Bryce right after and he seemed a little mad. 


I laid down thinking about how Bryce would react to me asking on a date or being my girlfriend at some point

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I laid down thinking about how Bryce would react to me asking on a date or being my girlfriend at some point. I fell asleep and woke up and hour later to Bryce. 
"Hey we should talk now while Liv sleeps" Bryce said. I heard the boys walking around the house and was confused. Bryce must have been able to tell because he said
"When they found out Liv was sick they wanted to come home".  I smiled and looked back to Bryce. 
"So about Liv" he said. 
"I wanna ask her on a date" I said quickly. Bryce looked shocked and took a deep breathe before sighing. 
"Ok BUT if you hurt her Jaden I swear" he said. 
"I dont want to hurt her she is the nicest person ever she deserves happiness" I said and Bryce smiled. 

"Let me guess you want to ask her to be your girlfriend on Valentines to" Bryce said and I smiled. 
"If its ok" I said. Bryce hugged me got up and before he left the room said
"its ok". I walked out of my room to Liv's to see her sleeping peacefully. I walked closer and heard a loud noise from outside her door. Liv started moving around before looking at me.
"Hey Jae" she said giggling at the rhyme. 
"Hey Liv" I said sitting next to her. 
"Im guessing all the boys are back" she said. 
"Yes I can get Bryce" I said standing but she held out her arms. I picked her up and she put her head into my neck again. 
"You want me to bring you to him" I asked and I felt her nod. I walked out and saw a few of the boys stare at us. I brought her downstairs to where Bryce was and sat her on the couch next to Bryce. 

"Hey Liv you feeling better" he asked before hugging her. She nodded her head and leaned back on the couch. 
"Well I still have a headache and feel like im about to throw up but yes im better" she said. 
"Wanna do anything or want food" Bryce asked. 
"I want cup of noodle" she said smiling. 
"Ok one sec" Bryce said as he got up and left. 
"Hey so did Bryce tell you about the party he is having in a few days and valentines" I asked her. 
"No he hates me going to party's because last time I did..." she froze. She looked like she wanted to cry so I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. 

"Its ok you dont have to tell me anything" I said and she put her head on my shoulder. Bryce came in a minute later with the cup of noodle and set it in front of her on the coffee table.
"Remote" she said and I handed her the remote. 
"Anything else since it seems like your the queen of Sway right now" I said chuckling. She thought for a before putting her legs on my legs. 
"Yes actually you can be my leg rest.   " she said giggling. 
"No" I said pushing her legs off me. 

"Fine be mean" she said putting her legs on her other side and resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled and rested my head on hers. Bryce looked at us and smiled. I could tell Liv was sleeping once I heard quiet snores. 
"Hey Bryce i'm going to put her in her room" I told him and walked upstairs. Once laid her down and put her under the blankets I kissed her forehead and went back down telling Bryce I was gonna go to bed.

A/N: I made most of this chapter in Jaden POV for some reason. Also dont mind the typos in the messages picture.  

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