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"Liv wake up" Addison said as she shook me. 
"What" I groaned and heard the music and yelling downstairs from the party. 
"Jaden is drunk and won't let anyone bring him here or to his room" Addison said. 
"Ok give me a second" I said and stood up. Addison led me to where Jaden was and he was standing on a table singing and soaking wet. 
"JAY" I yelled trying to get his attention. He didn't notice me so I climbed onto the table and grabbed his hand. He lightly pushed me away so I grabbed his hand again. 
"Jay come on you need to sleep" I said. He looked at me but pulled his hand away again. 
"Jay please" I said and grabbed the drink out of his hand. He looked at me and lifter his hand like he was about to hit me but stopped after he finally realized it was me. I took his hand again and he followed me to  the room. 
"Ok Jay go change and go to bed after" I said and gave him a pair of his sweats and a sweatshirt he always slept in. Once he went into the bathroom to change I quickly changed into a shorts and one of his sweatshirts and waiter for him to get out of the bathroom so I could take off my makeup. Once I finished taking off my makeup I grabbed a water for Jaden and made him drink most of it. 
"Ready to sleep Jaden" I asked and he nodded his head. I laid down next to him and put my head on his chest. He hugged me and we both fell asleep. 

*Jadens POV* 

I just woke up and didn't remember much from last night. I had a really bad headache and didn't feel good but I couldn't get up because I didn't wanna wake up a Liv who had her head on my chest. I had tried going back to sleep but I couldn't because my head was killing me. I decided to just play with Livs hair and just wait until she woke up which would be a while. I went on my tiktok and kept seeing tiktok telling Liv to kill herself and everyone in the comments agreeing. I felt Liv move around and she put her head into my neck which made me smile. I kissed her forehead and put my phone down so I could hug her. After a few minutes she opened her eyes and looked at me. 

"Good morning" I said. 
"Good morning" she responded. 
"Ok I need to go get something for my headache" I said and sat up but Liv stood up before I could. 
"Stay here" she said before running out of the room. I sat on the bed before Liv finally came back with medicine for my headache and water. 
"Thanks" I said and swallowed the pill.  
"So how did I act last night" I asked. 
"Well I didn't see much because I was asleep but when I went to get you, you did not want to come to the room and Addison said you wouldn't let anyone take you to your room or my room and when I tried to bring you back you almost hit me but realized who I was and stopped" Liv said. 

"Im so sorry Liv" I said. 
"For what" she asked. 
"For almost hitting you" I said. 
"Jay you were drunk and I kept grabbing your hand and you didn't realize who I was plus you didn't hit me" she said. 
"Liv what if I did hit you though I would never forgive myself" I said. 
"Jay I know you wouldn't hurt me" she said as she sat closer to me. 
"I won't drink when your here anymore" I said. 
"Jay you don't have to do that" she said. 
"We have only been dating for a day and I am already messing up" I said angry at myself. Liv hugged me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked at her. 

"Jay I trust you and you didn't mess up" she said. 
"Thanks Liv" I said. I kissed her nose and pulled her down hugging her.
"Liv I have a reservation at five for a date" I said. 
"That was random but I love it" she said and put her head on my chest. 
"Well since it's early in the morning let's watch disney" she said happily. 
"Liv we have watched to much disney" I said. She moved her head off my chest and looked at me sadly. I sighed and gave her the remote making her smile. 
"You lucky you cute" I said kissing the top of her head. 
"How do you feel about Lion King" Liv asked.
"If you wanna watch it then I love the movie" I said. 
"Your the best" she said. 
"I know" I said laughing and she lightly pushed me. Once she started the movie I hugged Liv tightly. Bryce walked in after a few minutes and looked at us weird. 

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