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*Olivias POV*

I woke up next to Jaden. I was basically on top of him and it was kind of awkward even though he was sleeping. I slowly started moving away but he put his arms around me holding me there. I had no idea what to do because I think he was still sleeping.
"Jaden" I said. 
"Hm" he hummed half asleep. 
"Can you let go of me" I asked. 
"Im sorry" he said quickly pulling his arms aways. 
"It's ok I have to go back to sway" I said. 
"I should probably back to sway to" he said getting up. 
"Ok pack your stuff and let's go" I said as I went to Nat's room. 

"I guessing thing went well considering there wasn't to much yelling and you stayed the night" she said. 
"Things went pretty well" I said. 
"Well I can't wait for Jaden to be happy again" she said. 
"Yea and this time I won't be jealous of you and sorry for being jealous when I met you" I said. 
"It's alright if I were you I probably done the same" she said. 
"Um maybe we can hang out one day" I said. 
"That sounds fun" she said and I started walking out but she grabbed my wrist. 
"Please don't hurt Jaden I have never seen his as happy as he is with you" she said and I nodded. 
"Oh and I may have slapped Jaden for calling you a slutty bitch just so you know" she said.

"Yea he is never gonna hear the end of this" I said and laughed and walked out. I sat on Jadens bed and watched as he packed. 
"So Jaden i'm a slutty bitch" I asked and he looked at me. 
"I-I didn't mean it I was mad and thought it was Kio's kid baby i'm so sorry for calling you that" he said. 
"I get it don't worry" I said. 
"Olivia you forgive people to easily because it's not ok that I called you that" he said. 
But Jaden I get why" I said.
"Even if it was Kios kid I don't have any right calling you that" he said and I smiled and hugged him. 
"What are we now" he asked. 
"What do you mean what are we now" I asked.  
"Like are we friends or...." he said.
"Friends" I said and smiled. 

"Well I finished packing so i'm gonna say bye to Nat and we can go" he said and I nodded and sat on the bed. I have no idea how the boys were gonna react but fuck them. 
"Ok we can go" Jaden says coming in and I get up and follow him out. I get into the passenger seat and Jaden starts driving. 
"Do you think the boys will be happy i'm home" he asked. 
"They hate me because of a lot of things including because you left" I said. 
"They don't hate you and if anything Bryce is gonna hate me" he said. 
"Excuse me but did you get yelled at by Bryce" I said.
"He yelled at you" he asked. 

"Ya" I said.
"About what" he asked. 
"How I hurt you" I said. 
"Well i'm fine so tell Bryce to kindly fuck off" he said making us both laughed. 
"If your so fine why were you smoking and drinking" I asked. 
"Because why not" he asked. 
"Jaden you smell gross from it" I said. 
"Well too bad" he said jokingly. 
"I know we are only friends for now but can we cuddle" he asked as he parked. 
"What do you mean only friends for now" I asked laughing. 
"Only if you want to" he said. 
"I'm not ready for it yet I didn't realize you were jealous and that I was hurting you so I am not ready" I said. 
"But at the same time I should have talked to you" he said. 

"So it's both of out faults but mainly mine" I said. 
"Don't blame it on you" he said
"And you were even more stressed because you were pregnant and had the miscarriage but I wouldn't listen to you" he said. 
"I'm sorry" he said. 
"It's ok" I said. 
"But anyways what about those cuddles" he asked. 
"You stink" I said.
"Ok and" he said. 
"Wait you drove drunk and high" I yelled as he opened the front door. 
"Ok and we are alive" he said.
"You could have killed us" I said. 
"Shush and come cuddle" he said and threw me over his shoulder and carried me through the kitchen which all the boys except Kio were in. 

"Um hi" he said awkwardly and set me down. All the boys hugged Jaden and started talking acting like I wasn't there. I started walking away but Jaden grabbed my arm and dragged me back. 
"No no no you stay here at my side" he said as he put his arm around me. All the boys glared at me like they were trying to kill me with there stare. 
"I'm gonna go" I said and tried to walk away but Jaden wouldn't let me. 
"Jaden pleeeeeaaaaassse" I whined. 
"Why" he asked. 
"Well it's obvious i'm not wanted here" I said. 
"Well i'm going with you" he said.

"They already hate me so stay" I said and went upstairs to my room as I hugged a sweatshirt of Jaden that I never gave back to him and cuddled while he was alone and I was lonely. I also stole his cologne my whole room smelt like him. It may have been an expensive cologne but I could just get Jaden another one. I got bored and started singing drivers license when I remembered Jaden had missed the release. I started crying because Jaden had missed the release and I wished he had been there and I know i'm being overdramatic but I was on my period and didn't control when I cried. The door opened and I saw Jaden walk in. 

"Liv are you ok" he asked worried. 
"Yea" I said. 
"Then why are you crying" he asked and sat on my bed. 
"Because you missed the release for Driver license" I cried.
"Can we talk about this in my room because your room smells like something but I don't know what I recognize it but I dont know what it is and its so strong its giving me a headache" he said.
"It's your cologne" I said. 
"Well let's go to my room and cuddle as friends because I smell like me" he said. 
"But you don't smell like you" I said. 
"Well where's my cologne" he asked. 
"In the air" I said.
"Ok and the rest of it" he asked. 
"In the air" I said

"You used my whole cologne in a month" he asked. 
"Maybe" I said. 
"Ok let's go to my room and you can smell one of my hoodies" he said.
"Fine" I said got up. 


I don't pay attention in class like at all and last week I did this practice test thing for math and today I am doing the homework which is on the same exact chapter of math as the test I failed and all of a sudden I know how to do these math problems and this isn't the first time it's happened oh and I have no clue how I solved it 

Ok so it's the next day of math and I had the actual test but I stayed up till 4am and had no clue what to do so guess who' failed the test 🤓 

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